Module hebi.type_inference

Expand source code
from copy import copy
import ast

from .typed_ast import *
from .util import PythonBuiltInTypes, CompilingNodeTransformer, ReturnExtractor

# from frozendict import frozendict

An aggressive type inference based on the work of Aycock [1].
It only allows a subset of legal python operations which
allow us to infer the type of all involved variables
Using this we can resolve overloaded functions when translating Python
into UPLC where there is no dynamic type checking.
Additionally, this conveniently implements an additional layer of
security into the Smart Contract by checking type correctness.


        # class annotations
        "bytes": ByteStringType(),
        "int": IntegerType(),
        "bool": BoolType(),
        "str": StringType(),
        "Anything": AnyType(),

    { typ
        for name, typ in PythonBuiltInTypes.items()
        if isinstance(typ.typ, PolymorphicFunctionType)

class AggressiveTypeInferencer(CompilingNodeTransformer):
    step = "Static Type Inference"

    # A stack of dictionaries for storing scoped knowledge of variable types
    scopes = [INITIAL_SCOPE]
    current_ret_type = []

    # Obtain the type of a variable name in the current scope
    def variable_type(self, name: str) -> Type:
        name = name
        for scope in reversed(self.scopes):
            if name in scope:
                return scope[name]
        raise TypeInferenceError(f"Variable {name} not initialized at access")

    def enter_scope(self):

    def exit_scope(self):

    def set_variable_type(self, name: str, typ: Type, force=False):
        if not force and name in self.scopes[-1] and self.scopes[-1][name] != typ:
            if self.scopes[-1][name] >= typ:
                # the specified type is broader, we pass on this
            raise TypeInferenceError(
                f"Type {self.scopes[-1][name]} of variable {name} in local scope does not match inferred type {typ}"
        self.scopes[-1][name] = typ

    def type_from_annotation(self, ann: expr):
        if isinstance(ann, Constant):
            if ann.value is None:
                return UnitType()
        if isinstance(ann, Name):
            if in ATOMIC_TYPES:
                return ATOMIC_TYPES[]
            v_t = self.variable_type(
            if isinstance(v_t, ClassType):
                return v_t
            raise TypeInferenceError(
                f"Class name {} not initialized before annotating variable"
        if isinstance(ann, Subscript):
            assert isinstance(
                ann.value, Name
            ), "Only Union, Dict and List are allowed as Generic types"
            if == "Union":
                assert isinstance(
                    ann.slice, Tuple
                ), "Union must combine multiple classes"
                ann_types = [self.type_from_annotation(e) for e in ann.slice.elts]
                assert all(
                    isinstance(e, RecordType) for e in ann_types
                ), "Union must combine multiple PlutusData classes"
                assert distinct(
                    [e.record.constructor for e in ann_types]
                ), "Union must combine PlutusData classes with unique constructors"
                return UnionType(FrozenFrozenList(ann_types))
            if == "List":
                ann_type = self.type_from_annotation(ann.slice)
                assert isinstance(
                    ann_type, ClassType
                ), "List must have a single type as parameter"
                assert not isinstance(
                    ann_type, TupleType
                ), "List can currently not hold tuples"
                return ListType(InstanceType(ann_type))
            if == "Dict":
                assert isinstance(ann.slice, Tuple), "Dict must combine two classes"
                assert len(ann.slice.elts) == 2, "Dict must combine two classes"
                ann_types = self.type_from_annotation(
                ), self.type_from_annotation(ann.slice.elts[1])
                assert all(
                    isinstance(e, ClassType) for e in ann_types
                ), "Dict must combine two classes"
                assert not any(
                    isinstance(e, TupleType) for e in ann_types
                ), "Dict can currently not hold tuples"
                return DictType(*(InstanceType(a) for a in ann_types))
            if == "Tuple":
                assert isinstance(
                    ann.slice, Tuple
                ), "Tuple must combine several classes"
                ann_types = [self.type_from_annotation(e) for e in ann.slice.elts]
                assert all(
                    isinstance(e, ClassType) for e in ann_types
                ), "Tuple must combine classes"
                return TupleType(FrozenFrozenList([InstanceType(a) for a in ann_types]))
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Only Union, Dict and List are allowed as Generic types"
        if ann is None:
            return AnyType()
        raise NotImplementedError(f"Annotation type {ann.__class__} is not supported")

    def visit_ClassDef(self, node: ClassDef) -> TypedClassDef:
        class_record = RecordReader.extract(node, self)
        typ = RecordType(class_record)
        self.set_variable_type(, typ)
        typed_node = copy(node)
        typed_node.class_typ = typ
        return typed_node

    def visit_Constant(self, node: Constant) -> TypedConstant:
        tc = copy(node)
        assert type(node.value) not in [
        ], "Float, complex numbers and ellipsis currently not supported"
        if tc.value is None:
            tc.typ = NoneInstanceType
            tc.typ = InstanceType(ATOMIC_TYPES[type(node.value).__name__])
        return tc

    def visit_Tuple(self, node: Tuple) -> TypedTuple:
        tt = copy(node)
        tt.elts = [self.visit(e) for e in node.elts]
        tt.typ = InstanceType(TupleType([e.typ for e in tt.elts]))
        return tt

    def visit_List(self, node: List) -> TypedList:
        tt = copy(node)
        tt.elts = [self.visit(e) for e in node.elts]
        l_typ = tt.elts[0].typ
        assert all(
            l_typ >= e.typ for e in tt.elts
        ), "All elements of a list must have the same type"
        tt.typ = InstanceType(ListType(l_typ))
        return tt

    def visit_Dict(self, node: Dict) -> TypedDict:
        tt = copy(node)
        tt.keys = [self.visit(k) for k in node.keys]
        tt.values = [self.visit(v) for v in node.values]
        k_typ = tt.keys[0].typ
        assert all(k_typ >= k.typ for k in tt.keys), "All keys must have the same type"
        v_typ = tt.values[0].typ
        assert all(
            v_typ >= v.typ for v in tt.values
        ), "All values must have the same type"
        tt.typ = InstanceType(DictType(k_typ, v_typ))
        return tt

    def visit_Assign(self, node: Assign) -> TypedAssign:
        typed_ass = copy(node)
        typed_ass.value: TypedExpression = self.visit(node.value)
        # Make sure to first set the type of each target name so we can load it when visiting it
        for t in node.targets:
            assert isinstance(
                t, Name
            ), "Can only assign to variable names, no type deconstruction"
            self.set_variable_type(, typed_ass.value.typ)
        typed_ass.targets = [self.visit(t) for t in node.targets]
        return typed_ass

    def visit_AnnAssign(self, node: AnnAssign) -> TypedAnnAssign:
        typed_ass = copy(node)
        typed_ass.value: TypedExpression = self.visit(node.value)
        typed_ass.annotation = self.type_from_annotation(node.annotation)
        assert isinstance(
  , Name
        ), "Can only assign to variable names, no type deconstruction"
  , InstanceType(typed_ass.annotation), force=True
        ) = self.visit(
        assert (
            typed_ass.value.typ >= InstanceType(typed_ass.annotation)
            or InstanceType(typed_ass.annotation) >= typed_ass.value.typ
        ), "Can only cast between related types"
        return typed_ass

    def visit_If(self, node: If) -> TypedIf:
        typed_if = copy(node)
        if (
            isinstance(typed_if.test, Call)
            and (typed_if.test.func, Name)
            and == "isinstance"
            tc = typed_if.test
            # special case for Union
            assert isinstance(
                tc.args[0], Name
            ), "Target 0 of an isinstance cast must be a variable name"
            assert isinstance(
                tc.args[1], Name
            ), "Target 1 of an isinstance cast must be a class name"
            target_class: RecordType = self.variable_type(tc.args[1].id)
            target_inst = self.visit(tc.args[0])
            target_inst_class = target_inst.typ
            assert isinstance(
                target_inst_class, InstanceType
            ), "Can only cast instances, not classes"
            assert isinstance(
                target_inst_class.typ, UnionType
            ), "Can only cast instances of Union types of PlutusData"
            assert isinstance(target_class, RecordType), "Can only cast to PlutusData"
            assert (
                target_class in target_inst_class.typ.typs
            ), f"Trying to cast an instance of Union type to non-instance of union type"
            typed_if.test = self.visit(
                    left=Attribute(tc.args[0], "CONSTR_ID"),
            # for the time of this if branch set the variable type to the specialized type
                tc.args[0].id, InstanceType(target_class), force=True
            typed_if.body = [self.visit(s) for s in node.body]
            self.set_variable_type(tc.args[0].id, target_inst_class, force=True)
            typed_if.test = self.visit(node.test)
            assert (
                typed_if.test.typ == BoolInstanceType
            ), "Branching condition must have boolean type"
            typed_if.body = [self.visit(s) for s in node.body]
        typed_if.orelse = [self.visit(s) for s in node.orelse]
        return typed_if

    def visit_While(self, node: While) -> TypedWhile:
        typed_while = copy(node)
        typed_while.test = self.visit(node.test)
        assert (
            typed_while.test.typ == BoolInstanceType
        ), "Branching condition must have boolean type"
        typed_while.body = [self.visit(s) for s in node.body]
        typed_while.orelse = [self.visit(s) for s in node.orelse]
        return typed_while

    def visit_For(self, node: For) -> TypedFor:
        typed_for = copy(node)
        typed_for.iter = self.visit(node.iter)
        if isinstance(, Tuple):
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Type deconstruction in for loops is not supported yet"
        vartyp = None
        itertyp = typed_for.iter.typ
        assert isinstance(
            itertyp, InstanceType
        ), "Can only iterate over instances, not classes"
        if isinstance(itertyp.typ, TupleType):
            assert itertyp.typ.typs, "Iterating over an empty tuple is not allowed"
            vartyp = itertyp.typ.typs[0]
            assert all(
                itertyp.typ.typs[0] == t for t in typed_for.iter.typ.typs
            ), "Iterating through a tuple requires the same type for each element"
        elif isinstance(itertyp.typ, ListType):
            vartyp = itertyp.typ.typ
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Type inference for loops over non-list objects is not supported"
        self.set_variable_type(, vartyp) = self.visit(
        typed_for.body = [self.visit(s) for s in node.body]
        typed_for.orelse = [self.visit(s) for s in node.orelse]
        return typed_for

    def visit_Name(self, node: Name) -> TypedName:
        tn = copy(node)
        # Make sure that the rhs of an assign is evaluated first
        tn.typ = self.variable_type(
        return tn

    def visit_Compare(self, node: Compare) -> TypedCompare:
        typed_cmp = copy(node)
        typed_cmp.left = self.visit(node.left)
        typed_cmp.comparators = [self.visit(s) for s in node.comparators]
        typed_cmp.typ = BoolInstanceType
        # the actual required types are being taken care of in the implementation
        return typed_cmp

    def visit_arg(self, node: arg) -> typedarg:
        ta = copy(node)
        ta.typ = InstanceType(self.type_from_annotation(node.annotation))
        self.set_variable_type(ta.arg, ta.typ)
        return ta

    def visit_arguments(self, node: arguments) -> typedarguments:
        if node.kw_defaults or node.kwarg or node.kwonlyargs or node.defaults:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Keyword arguments and defaults not supported yet"
        ta = copy(node)
        ta.args = [self.visit(a) for a in node.args]
        return ta

    def visit_FunctionDef(self, node: FunctionDef) -> TypedFunctionDef:
        tfd = copy(node)
        assert not node.decorator_list, "Functions may not have decorators"
        rettyp = InstanceType(self.type_from_annotation(tfd.returns))
        tfd.args = self.visit(node.args)
        functyp = FunctionType(
            [t.typ for t in tfd.args.args],
        tfd.typ = InstanceType(functyp)
        # We need the function type inside for recursion
        self.set_variable_type(, tfd.typ)
        tfd.body = [self.visit(s) for s in node.body]
        rets_extractor = ReturnExtractor()
        for b in tfd.body:
        rets = rets_extractor.returns
        # Check that return type and annotated return type match
        if not rets:
            assert (
                functyp.rettyp >= NoneInstanceType
            ), f"Function '{}' has no return statement but is supposed to return not-None value"
            assert all(
                functyp.rettyp >= r.typ for r in rets
            ), f"Function '{}' annotated return type does not match actual return type"
        # We need the function type outside for usage
        self.set_variable_type(, tfd.typ)
        return tfd

    def visit_Module(self, node: Module) -> TypedModule:
        tm = copy(node)
        tm.body = [self.visit(n) for n in node.body]
        return tm

    def visit_Expr(self, node: Expr) -> TypedExpr:
        tn = copy(node)
        tn.value = self.visit(node.value)
        return tn

    def visit_BinOp(self, node: BinOp) -> TypedBinOp:
        tb = copy(node)
        tb.left = self.visit(node.left)
        tb.right = self.visit(node.right)
        # TODO the outcome of the operation may depend on the input types
        assert (
            tb.left.typ == tb.right.typ
        ), "Inputs to a binary operation need to have the same type"
        tb.typ = tb.left.typ
        return tb

    def visit_BoolOp(self, node: BoolOp) -> TypedBoolOp:
        tt = copy(node)
        tt.values = [self.visit(e) for e in node.values]
        tt.typ = BoolInstanceType
        assert all(
            BoolInstanceType >= e.typ for e in tt.values
        ), "All values compared must be bools"
        return tt

    def visit_UnaryOp(self, node: UnaryOp) -> TypedUnaryOp:
        tu = copy(node)
        tu.operand = self.visit(node.operand)
        tu.typ = tu.operand.typ
        return tu

    def visit_Subscript(self, node: Subscript) -> TypedSubscript:
        ts = copy(node)
        # special case: Subscript of Union / Dict / List and atomic types
        if isinstance(ts.value, Name) and in [
            ts.value = ts.typ = self.type_from_annotation(ts)
            return ts

        ts.value = self.visit(node.value)
        assert isinstance(ts.value.typ, InstanceType), "Can only subscript instances"
        if isinstance(ts.value.typ.typ, TupleType):
            assert (
            ), "Accessing elements from the empty tuple is not allowed"
            if all(ts.value.typ.typ.typs[0] == t for t in ts.value.typ.typ.typs):
                ts.typ = ts.value.typ.typ.typs[0]
            elif isinstance(ts.slice, Constant) and isinstance(ts.slice.value, int):
                ts.typ = ts.value.typ.typ.typs[ts.slice.value]
                raise TypeInferenceError(
                    f"Could not infer type of subscript of typ {ts.value.typ.typ.__class__}"
        elif isinstance(ts.value.typ.typ, PairType):
            if isinstance(ts.slice, Constant) and isinstance(ts.slice.value, int):
                ts.typ = (
                    if ts.slice.value == 0
                    else ts.value.typ.typ.r_typ
                raise TypeInferenceError(
                    f"Could not infer type of subscript of typ {ts.value.typ.typ.__class__}"
        elif isinstance(ts.value.typ.typ, ListType):
            ts.typ = ts.value.typ.typ.typ
            ts.slice = self.visit(node.slice)
            assert ts.slice.typ == IntegerInstanceType, "List indices must be integers"
        elif isinstance(ts.value.typ.typ, ByteStringType):
            if not isinstance(ts.slice, Slice):
                ts.typ = IntegerInstanceType
                ts.slice = self.visit(node.slice)
                assert (
                    ts.slice.typ == IntegerInstanceType
                ), "bytes indices must be integers"
            elif isinstance(ts.slice, Slice):
                ts.typ = ByteStringInstanceType
                if ts.slice.lower is None:
                    ts.slice.lower = Constant(0)
                ts.slice.lower = self.visit(node.slice.lower)
                assert (
                    ts.slice.lower.typ == IntegerInstanceType
                ), "lower slice indices for bytes must be integers"
                if ts.slice.upper is None:
                    ts.slice.upper = Call(
                        func=Name(id="len", ctx=Load()), args=[ts.value], keywords=[]
                ts.slice.upper = self.visit(node.slice.upper)
                assert (
                    ts.slice.upper.typ == IntegerInstanceType
                ), "upper slice indices for bytes must be integers"
                raise TypeInferenceError(
                    f"Could not infer type of subscript of typ {ts.value.typ.__class__}"
        elif isinstance(ts.value.typ.typ, DictType):
            # TODO could be implemented with potentially just erroring. It might be desired to avoid this though.
            if not isinstance(ts.slice, Slice):
                ts.slice = self.visit(node.slice)
                assert (
                    ts.slice.typ == ts.value.typ.typ.key_typ
                ), f"Dict subscript must have dict key type {ts.value.typ.typ.key_typ} but has type {ts.slice.typ}"
                ts.typ = ts.value.typ.typ.value_typ
                raise TypeInferenceError(
                    f"Could not infer type of subscript of dict with a slice."
            raise TypeInferenceError(
                f"Could not infer type of subscript of typ {ts.value.typ.__class__}"
        return ts

    def visit_Call(self, node: Call) -> TypedCall:
        assert not node.keywords, "Keyword arguments are not supported yet"
        tc = copy(node)
        tc.args = [self.visit(a) for a in node.args]
        tc.func = self.visit(node.func)
        # might be a cast
        if isinstance(tc.func.typ, ClassType):
            tc.func.typ = tc.func.typ.constr_type()
        # type might only turn out after the initialization (note the constr could be polymorphic)
        if isinstance(tc.func.typ, InstanceType) and isinstance(
            tc.func.typ.typ, PolymorphicFunctionType
            tc.func.typ = PolymorphicFunctionInstanceType(
                    [a.typ for a in tc.args]
        if isinstance(tc.func.typ, InstanceType) and isinstance(
            tc.func.typ.typ, FunctionType
            functyp = tc.func.typ.typ
            assert len(tc.args) == len(
            ), f"Signature of function does not match number of arguments. Expected {len(functyp.argtyps)} arguments with these types: {functyp.argtyps}"
            # all arguments need to be supertypes of the given type
            assert all(
                ap >= a.typ for a, ap in zip(tc.args, functyp.argtyps)
            ), f"Signature of function does not match arguments. Expected {len(functyp.argtyps)} arguments with these types: {functyp.argtyps}"
            tc.typ = functyp.rettyp
            return tc
        raise TypeInferenceError("Could not infer type of call")

    def visit_Pass(self, node: Pass) -> TypedPass:
        tp = copy(node)
        return tp

    def visit_Return(self, node: Return) -> TypedReturn:
        tp = copy(node)
        tp.value = self.visit(node.value)
        tp.typ = (
            tp.value.typ if not self.current_ret_type else self.current_ret_type[-1]
        return tp

    def visit_Attribute(self, node: Attribute) -> TypedAttribute:
        tp = copy(node)
        tp.value = self.visit(node.value)
        owner = tp.value.typ
        # accesses to field
        tp.typ = owner.attribute_type(node.attr)
        return tp

    def visit_Assert(self, node: Assert) -> TypedAssert:
        ta = copy(node)
        ta.test = self.visit(node.test)
        assert (
            ta.test.typ == BoolInstanceType
        ), "Assertions must result in a boolean type"
        if ta.msg is not None:
            ta.msg = self.visit(node.msg)
            assert (
                ta.msg.typ == StringInstanceType
            ), "Assertions must has a string message (or None)"
        return ta

    def visit_RawPlutoExpr(self, node: RawPlutoExpr) -> RawPlutoExpr:
        assert node.typ is not None, "Raw Pluto Expression is missing type annotation"
        return node

    def visit_IfExp(self, node: IfExp) -> TypedIfExp:
        node_cp = copy(node)
        node_cp.test = self.visit(node.test)
        assert node_cp.test.typ == BoolInstanceType, "Comparison must have type boolean"
        node_cp.body = self.visit(node.body)
        node_cp.orelse = self.visit(node.orelse)
        if node_cp.body.typ >= node_cp.orelse.typ:
            node_cp.typ = node_cp.body.typ
        elif node_cp.orelse.typ >= node_cp.body.typ:
            node_cp.typ = node_cp.orelse.typ
            raise TypeInferenceError(
                "Branches of if-expression must return compatible types"
        return node_cp

    def visit_comprehension(self, g: comprehension) -> typedcomprehension:
        new_g = copy(g)
        if isinstance(, Tuple):
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Type deconstruction in for loops is not supported yet"
        new_g.iter = self.visit(g.iter)
        itertyp = new_g.iter.typ
        assert isinstance(
            itertyp, InstanceType
        ), "Can only iterate over instances, not classes"
        if isinstance(itertyp.typ, TupleType):
            assert itertyp.typ.typs, "Iterating over an empty tuple is not allowed"
            vartyp = itertyp.typ.typs[0]
            assert all(
                itertyp.typ.typs[0] == t for t in new_g.iter.typ.typs
            ), "Iterating through a tuple requires the same type for each element"
        elif isinstance(itertyp.typ, ListType):
            vartyp = itertyp.typ.typ
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Type inference for loops over non-list objects is not supported"
        self.set_variable_type(, vartyp) = self.visit(
        new_g.ifs = [self.visit(i) for i in g.ifs]
        return new_g

    def visit_ListComp(self, node: ListComp) -> TypedListComp:
        typed_listcomp = copy(node)
        # inside the comprehension is a seperate scope
        # first evaluate generators for assigned variables
        typed_listcomp.generators = [self.visit(s) for s in node.generators]
        # then evaluate elements
        typed_listcomp.elt = self.visit(node.elt)
        typed_listcomp.typ = InstanceType(ListType(typed_listcomp.elt.typ))
        return typed_listcomp

    def generic_visit(self, node: AST) -> TypedAST:
        raise NotImplementedError(
            f"Cannot infer type of non-implemented node {node.__class__}"

class RecordReader(NodeVisitor):
    name: str
    constructor: int
    attributes: typing.List[typing.Tuple[str, Type]]
    _type_inferencer: AggressiveTypeInferencer

    def __init__(self, type_inferencer: AggressiveTypeInferencer):
        self.constructor = 0
        self.attributes = []
        self._type_inferencer = type_inferencer

    def extract(cls, c: ClassDef, type_inferencer: AggressiveTypeInferencer) -> Record:
        f = cls(type_inferencer)
        return Record(, f.constructor, FrozenFrozenList(f.attributes))

    def visit_AnnAssign(self, node: AnnAssign) -> None:
        assert isinstance(
  , Name
        ), "Record elements must have named attributes"
        typ = self._type_inferencer.type_from_annotation(node.annotation)
        if != "CONSTR_ID":
            assert (
                node.value is None
            ), f"PlutusData attribute {} may not have a default value"
            assert not isinstance(
                typ, TupleType
            ), "Records can currently not hold tuples"
        assert typ == IntegerType, "CONSTR_ID must be assigned an integer"
        assert isinstance(
            node.value, Constant
        ), "CONSTR_ID must be assigned a constant integer"
        assert isinstance(
            node.value.value, int
        ), "CONSTR_ID must be assigned an integer"
        self.constructor = node.value.value

    def visit_ClassDef(self, node: ClassDef) -> None: =
        for s in node.body:

    def visit_Pass(self, node: Pass) -> None:

    def visit_Assign(self, node: Assign) -> None:
        assert len(node.targets) == 1, "Record elements must be assigned one by one"
        target = node.targets[0]
        assert isinstance(target, Name), "Record elements must have named attributes"
        assert (
   == "CONSTR_ID"
        ), "Type annotations may only be omitted for CONSTR_ID"
        assert isinstance(
            node.value, Constant
        ), "CONSTR_ID must be assigned a constant integer"
        assert isinstance(
            node.value.value, int
        ), "CONSTR_ID must be assigned an integer"
        self.constructor = node.value.value

    def visit_Expr(self, node: Expr) -> None:
        assert isinstance(
            node.value, Constant
        ), "Only comments are allowed inside classes"
        return None

    def generic_visit(self, node: AST) -> None:
        raise NotImplementedError(f"Can not compile {ast.dump(node)} inside of a class")

def typed_ast(ast: AST):
    return AggressiveTypeInferencer().visit(ast)


def typed_ast(ast: _ast.AST)
Expand source code
def typed_ast(ast: AST):
    return AggressiveTypeInferencer().visit(ast)


class AggressiveTypeInferencer

A :class:NodeVisitor subclass that walks the abstract syntax tree and allows modification of nodes.

The NodeTransformer will walk the AST and use the return value of the visitor methods to replace or remove the old node. If the return value of the visitor method is None, the node will be removed from its location, otherwise it is replaced with the return value. The return value may be the original node in which case no replacement takes place.

Here is an example transformer that rewrites all occurrences of name lookups (foo) to data['foo']::

class RewriteName(NodeTransformer):

   def visit_Name(self, node):
       return Subscript(
           value=Name(id='data', ctx=Load()),

Keep in mind that if the node you're operating on has child nodes you must either transform the child nodes yourself or call the :meth:generic_visit method for the node first.

For nodes that were part of a collection of statements (that applies to all statement nodes), the visitor may also return a list of nodes rather than just a single node.

Usually you use the transformer like this::

node = YourTransformer().visit(node)

Expand source code
class AggressiveTypeInferencer(CompilingNodeTransformer):
    step = "Static Type Inference"

    # A stack of dictionaries for storing scoped knowledge of variable types
    scopes = [INITIAL_SCOPE]
    current_ret_type = []

    # Obtain the type of a variable name in the current scope
    def variable_type(self, name: str) -> Type:
        name = name
        for scope in reversed(self.scopes):
            if name in scope:
                return scope[name]
        raise TypeInferenceError(f"Variable {name} not initialized at access")

    def enter_scope(self):

    def exit_scope(self):

    def set_variable_type(self, name: str, typ: Type, force=False):
        if not force and name in self.scopes[-1] and self.scopes[-1][name] != typ:
            if self.scopes[-1][name] >= typ:
                # the specified type is broader, we pass on this
            raise TypeInferenceError(
                f"Type {self.scopes[-1][name]} of variable {name} in local scope does not match inferred type {typ}"
        self.scopes[-1][name] = typ

    def type_from_annotation(self, ann: expr):
        if isinstance(ann, Constant):
            if ann.value is None:
                return UnitType()
        if isinstance(ann, Name):
            if in ATOMIC_TYPES:
                return ATOMIC_TYPES[]
            v_t = self.variable_type(
            if isinstance(v_t, ClassType):
                return v_t
            raise TypeInferenceError(
                f"Class name {} not initialized before annotating variable"
        if isinstance(ann, Subscript):
            assert isinstance(
                ann.value, Name
            ), "Only Union, Dict and List are allowed as Generic types"
            if == "Union":
                assert isinstance(
                    ann.slice, Tuple
                ), "Union must combine multiple classes"
                ann_types = [self.type_from_annotation(e) for e in ann.slice.elts]
                assert all(
                    isinstance(e, RecordType) for e in ann_types
                ), "Union must combine multiple PlutusData classes"
                assert distinct(
                    [e.record.constructor for e in ann_types]
                ), "Union must combine PlutusData classes with unique constructors"
                return UnionType(FrozenFrozenList(ann_types))
            if == "List":
                ann_type = self.type_from_annotation(ann.slice)
                assert isinstance(
                    ann_type, ClassType
                ), "List must have a single type as parameter"
                assert not isinstance(
                    ann_type, TupleType
                ), "List can currently not hold tuples"
                return ListType(InstanceType(ann_type))
            if == "Dict":
                assert isinstance(ann.slice, Tuple), "Dict must combine two classes"
                assert len(ann.slice.elts) == 2, "Dict must combine two classes"
                ann_types = self.type_from_annotation(
                ), self.type_from_annotation(ann.slice.elts[1])
                assert all(
                    isinstance(e, ClassType) for e in ann_types
                ), "Dict must combine two classes"
                assert not any(
                    isinstance(e, TupleType) for e in ann_types
                ), "Dict can currently not hold tuples"
                return DictType(*(InstanceType(a) for a in ann_types))
            if == "Tuple":
                assert isinstance(
                    ann.slice, Tuple
                ), "Tuple must combine several classes"
                ann_types = [self.type_from_annotation(e) for e in ann.slice.elts]
                assert all(
                    isinstance(e, ClassType) for e in ann_types
                ), "Tuple must combine classes"
                return TupleType(FrozenFrozenList([InstanceType(a) for a in ann_types]))
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Only Union, Dict and List are allowed as Generic types"
        if ann is None:
            return AnyType()
        raise NotImplementedError(f"Annotation type {ann.__class__} is not supported")

    def visit_ClassDef(self, node: ClassDef) -> TypedClassDef:
        class_record = RecordReader.extract(node, self)
        typ = RecordType(class_record)
        self.set_variable_type(, typ)
        typed_node = copy(node)
        typed_node.class_typ = typ
        return typed_node

    def visit_Constant(self, node: Constant) -> TypedConstant:
        tc = copy(node)
        assert type(node.value) not in [
        ], "Float, complex numbers and ellipsis currently not supported"
        if tc.value is None:
            tc.typ = NoneInstanceType
            tc.typ = InstanceType(ATOMIC_TYPES[type(node.value).__name__])
        return tc

    def visit_Tuple(self, node: Tuple) -> TypedTuple:
        tt = copy(node)
        tt.elts = [self.visit(e) for e in node.elts]
        tt.typ = InstanceType(TupleType([e.typ for e in tt.elts]))
        return tt

    def visit_List(self, node: List) -> TypedList:
        tt = copy(node)
        tt.elts = [self.visit(e) for e in node.elts]
        l_typ = tt.elts[0].typ
        assert all(
            l_typ >= e.typ for e in tt.elts
        ), "All elements of a list must have the same type"
        tt.typ = InstanceType(ListType(l_typ))
        return tt

    def visit_Dict(self, node: Dict) -> TypedDict:
        tt = copy(node)
        tt.keys = [self.visit(k) for k in node.keys]
        tt.values = [self.visit(v) for v in node.values]
        k_typ = tt.keys[0].typ
        assert all(k_typ >= k.typ for k in tt.keys), "All keys must have the same type"
        v_typ = tt.values[0].typ
        assert all(
            v_typ >= v.typ for v in tt.values
        ), "All values must have the same type"
        tt.typ = InstanceType(DictType(k_typ, v_typ))
        return tt

    def visit_Assign(self, node: Assign) -> TypedAssign:
        typed_ass = copy(node)
        typed_ass.value: TypedExpression = self.visit(node.value)
        # Make sure to first set the type of each target name so we can load it when visiting it
        for t in node.targets:
            assert isinstance(
                t, Name
            ), "Can only assign to variable names, no type deconstruction"
            self.set_variable_type(, typed_ass.value.typ)
        typed_ass.targets = [self.visit(t) for t in node.targets]
        return typed_ass

    def visit_AnnAssign(self, node: AnnAssign) -> TypedAnnAssign:
        typed_ass = copy(node)
        typed_ass.value: TypedExpression = self.visit(node.value)
        typed_ass.annotation = self.type_from_annotation(node.annotation)
        assert isinstance(
  , Name
        ), "Can only assign to variable names, no type deconstruction"
  , InstanceType(typed_ass.annotation), force=True
        ) = self.visit(
        assert (
            typed_ass.value.typ >= InstanceType(typed_ass.annotation)
            or InstanceType(typed_ass.annotation) >= typed_ass.value.typ
        ), "Can only cast between related types"
        return typed_ass

    def visit_If(self, node: If) -> TypedIf:
        typed_if = copy(node)
        if (
            isinstance(typed_if.test, Call)
            and (typed_if.test.func, Name)
            and == "isinstance"
            tc = typed_if.test
            # special case for Union
            assert isinstance(
                tc.args[0], Name
            ), "Target 0 of an isinstance cast must be a variable name"
            assert isinstance(
                tc.args[1], Name
            ), "Target 1 of an isinstance cast must be a class name"
            target_class: RecordType = self.variable_type(tc.args[1].id)
            target_inst = self.visit(tc.args[0])
            target_inst_class = target_inst.typ
            assert isinstance(
                target_inst_class, InstanceType
            ), "Can only cast instances, not classes"
            assert isinstance(
                target_inst_class.typ, UnionType
            ), "Can only cast instances of Union types of PlutusData"
            assert isinstance(target_class, RecordType), "Can only cast to PlutusData"
            assert (
                target_class in target_inst_class.typ.typs
            ), f"Trying to cast an instance of Union type to non-instance of union type"
            typed_if.test = self.visit(
                    left=Attribute(tc.args[0], "CONSTR_ID"),
            # for the time of this if branch set the variable type to the specialized type
                tc.args[0].id, InstanceType(target_class), force=True
            typed_if.body = [self.visit(s) for s in node.body]
            self.set_variable_type(tc.args[0].id, target_inst_class, force=True)
            typed_if.test = self.visit(node.test)
            assert (
                typed_if.test.typ == BoolInstanceType
            ), "Branching condition must have boolean type"
            typed_if.body = [self.visit(s) for s in node.body]
        typed_if.orelse = [self.visit(s) for s in node.orelse]
        return typed_if

    def visit_While(self, node: While) -> TypedWhile:
        typed_while = copy(node)
        typed_while.test = self.visit(node.test)
        assert (
            typed_while.test.typ == BoolInstanceType
        ), "Branching condition must have boolean type"
        typed_while.body = [self.visit(s) for s in node.body]
        typed_while.orelse = [self.visit(s) for s in node.orelse]
        return typed_while

    def visit_For(self, node: For) -> TypedFor:
        typed_for = copy(node)
        typed_for.iter = self.visit(node.iter)
        if isinstance(, Tuple):
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Type deconstruction in for loops is not supported yet"
        vartyp = None
        itertyp = typed_for.iter.typ
        assert isinstance(
            itertyp, InstanceType
        ), "Can only iterate over instances, not classes"
        if isinstance(itertyp.typ, TupleType):
            assert itertyp.typ.typs, "Iterating over an empty tuple is not allowed"
            vartyp = itertyp.typ.typs[0]
            assert all(
                itertyp.typ.typs[0] == t for t in typed_for.iter.typ.typs
            ), "Iterating through a tuple requires the same type for each element"
        elif isinstance(itertyp.typ, ListType):
            vartyp = itertyp.typ.typ
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Type inference for loops over non-list objects is not supported"
        self.set_variable_type(, vartyp) = self.visit(
        typed_for.body = [self.visit(s) for s in node.body]
        typed_for.orelse = [self.visit(s) for s in node.orelse]
        return typed_for

    def visit_Name(self, node: Name) -> TypedName:
        tn = copy(node)
        # Make sure that the rhs of an assign is evaluated first
        tn.typ = self.variable_type(
        return tn

    def visit_Compare(self, node: Compare) -> TypedCompare:
        typed_cmp = copy(node)
        typed_cmp.left = self.visit(node.left)
        typed_cmp.comparators = [self.visit(s) for s in node.comparators]
        typed_cmp.typ = BoolInstanceType
        # the actual required types are being taken care of in the implementation
        return typed_cmp

    def visit_arg(self, node: arg) -> typedarg:
        ta = copy(node)
        ta.typ = InstanceType(self.type_from_annotation(node.annotation))
        self.set_variable_type(ta.arg, ta.typ)
        return ta

    def visit_arguments(self, node: arguments) -> typedarguments:
        if node.kw_defaults or node.kwarg or node.kwonlyargs or node.defaults:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Keyword arguments and defaults not supported yet"
        ta = copy(node)
        ta.args = [self.visit(a) for a in node.args]
        return ta

    def visit_FunctionDef(self, node: FunctionDef) -> TypedFunctionDef:
        tfd = copy(node)
        assert not node.decorator_list, "Functions may not have decorators"
        rettyp = InstanceType(self.type_from_annotation(tfd.returns))
        tfd.args = self.visit(node.args)
        functyp = FunctionType(
            [t.typ for t in tfd.args.args],
        tfd.typ = InstanceType(functyp)
        # We need the function type inside for recursion
        self.set_variable_type(, tfd.typ)
        tfd.body = [self.visit(s) for s in node.body]
        rets_extractor = ReturnExtractor()
        for b in tfd.body:
        rets = rets_extractor.returns
        # Check that return type and annotated return type match
        if not rets:
            assert (
                functyp.rettyp >= NoneInstanceType
            ), f"Function '{}' has no return statement but is supposed to return not-None value"
            assert all(
                functyp.rettyp >= r.typ for r in rets
            ), f"Function '{}' annotated return type does not match actual return type"
        # We need the function type outside for usage
        self.set_variable_type(, tfd.typ)
        return tfd

    def visit_Module(self, node: Module) -> TypedModule:
        tm = copy(node)
        tm.body = [self.visit(n) for n in node.body]
        return tm

    def visit_Expr(self, node: Expr) -> TypedExpr:
        tn = copy(node)
        tn.value = self.visit(node.value)
        return tn

    def visit_BinOp(self, node: BinOp) -> TypedBinOp:
        tb = copy(node)
        tb.left = self.visit(node.left)
        tb.right = self.visit(node.right)
        # TODO the outcome of the operation may depend on the input types
        assert (
            tb.left.typ == tb.right.typ
        ), "Inputs to a binary operation need to have the same type"
        tb.typ = tb.left.typ
        return tb

    def visit_BoolOp(self, node: BoolOp) -> TypedBoolOp:
        tt = copy(node)
        tt.values = [self.visit(e) for e in node.values]
        tt.typ = BoolInstanceType
        assert all(
            BoolInstanceType >= e.typ for e in tt.values
        ), "All values compared must be bools"
        return tt

    def visit_UnaryOp(self, node: UnaryOp) -> TypedUnaryOp:
        tu = copy(node)
        tu.operand = self.visit(node.operand)
        tu.typ = tu.operand.typ
        return tu

    def visit_Subscript(self, node: Subscript) -> TypedSubscript:
        ts = copy(node)
        # special case: Subscript of Union / Dict / List and atomic types
        if isinstance(ts.value, Name) and in [
            ts.value = ts.typ = self.type_from_annotation(ts)
            return ts

        ts.value = self.visit(node.value)
        assert isinstance(ts.value.typ, InstanceType), "Can only subscript instances"
        if isinstance(ts.value.typ.typ, TupleType):
            assert (
            ), "Accessing elements from the empty tuple is not allowed"
            if all(ts.value.typ.typ.typs[0] == t for t in ts.value.typ.typ.typs):
                ts.typ = ts.value.typ.typ.typs[0]
            elif isinstance(ts.slice, Constant) and isinstance(ts.slice.value, int):
                ts.typ = ts.value.typ.typ.typs[ts.slice.value]
                raise TypeInferenceError(
                    f"Could not infer type of subscript of typ {ts.value.typ.typ.__class__}"
        elif isinstance(ts.value.typ.typ, PairType):
            if isinstance(ts.slice, Constant) and isinstance(ts.slice.value, int):
                ts.typ = (
                    if ts.slice.value == 0
                    else ts.value.typ.typ.r_typ
                raise TypeInferenceError(
                    f"Could not infer type of subscript of typ {ts.value.typ.typ.__class__}"
        elif isinstance(ts.value.typ.typ, ListType):
            ts.typ = ts.value.typ.typ.typ
            ts.slice = self.visit(node.slice)
            assert ts.slice.typ == IntegerInstanceType, "List indices must be integers"
        elif isinstance(ts.value.typ.typ, ByteStringType):
            if not isinstance(ts.slice, Slice):
                ts.typ = IntegerInstanceType
                ts.slice = self.visit(node.slice)
                assert (
                    ts.slice.typ == IntegerInstanceType
                ), "bytes indices must be integers"
            elif isinstance(ts.slice, Slice):
                ts.typ = ByteStringInstanceType
                if ts.slice.lower is None:
                    ts.slice.lower = Constant(0)
                ts.slice.lower = self.visit(node.slice.lower)
                assert (
                    ts.slice.lower.typ == IntegerInstanceType
                ), "lower slice indices for bytes must be integers"
                if ts.slice.upper is None:
                    ts.slice.upper = Call(
                        func=Name(id="len", ctx=Load()), args=[ts.value], keywords=[]
                ts.slice.upper = self.visit(node.slice.upper)
                assert (
                    ts.slice.upper.typ == IntegerInstanceType
                ), "upper slice indices for bytes must be integers"
                raise TypeInferenceError(
                    f"Could not infer type of subscript of typ {ts.value.typ.__class__}"
        elif isinstance(ts.value.typ.typ, DictType):
            # TODO could be implemented with potentially just erroring. It might be desired to avoid this though.
            if not isinstance(ts.slice, Slice):
                ts.slice = self.visit(node.slice)
                assert (
                    ts.slice.typ == ts.value.typ.typ.key_typ
                ), f"Dict subscript must have dict key type {ts.value.typ.typ.key_typ} but has type {ts.slice.typ}"
                ts.typ = ts.value.typ.typ.value_typ
                raise TypeInferenceError(
                    f"Could not infer type of subscript of dict with a slice."
            raise TypeInferenceError(
                f"Could not infer type of subscript of typ {ts.value.typ.__class__}"
        return ts

    def visit_Call(self, node: Call) -> TypedCall:
        assert not node.keywords, "Keyword arguments are not supported yet"
        tc = copy(node)
        tc.args = [self.visit(a) for a in node.args]
        tc.func = self.visit(node.func)
        # might be a cast
        if isinstance(tc.func.typ, ClassType):
            tc.func.typ = tc.func.typ.constr_type()
        # type might only turn out after the initialization (note the constr could be polymorphic)
        if isinstance(tc.func.typ, InstanceType) and isinstance(
            tc.func.typ.typ, PolymorphicFunctionType
            tc.func.typ = PolymorphicFunctionInstanceType(
                    [a.typ for a in tc.args]
        if isinstance(tc.func.typ, InstanceType) and isinstance(
            tc.func.typ.typ, FunctionType
            functyp = tc.func.typ.typ
            assert len(tc.args) == len(
            ), f"Signature of function does not match number of arguments. Expected {len(functyp.argtyps)} arguments with these types: {functyp.argtyps}"
            # all arguments need to be supertypes of the given type
            assert all(
                ap >= a.typ for a, ap in zip(tc.args, functyp.argtyps)
            ), f"Signature of function does not match arguments. Expected {len(functyp.argtyps)} arguments with these types: {functyp.argtyps}"
            tc.typ = functyp.rettyp
            return tc
        raise TypeInferenceError("Could not infer type of call")

    def visit_Pass(self, node: Pass) -> TypedPass:
        tp = copy(node)
        return tp

    def visit_Return(self, node: Return) -> TypedReturn:
        tp = copy(node)
        tp.value = self.visit(node.value)
        tp.typ = (
            tp.value.typ if not self.current_ret_type else self.current_ret_type[-1]
        return tp

    def visit_Attribute(self, node: Attribute) -> TypedAttribute:
        tp = copy(node)
        tp.value = self.visit(node.value)
        owner = tp.value.typ
        # accesses to field
        tp.typ = owner.attribute_type(node.attr)
        return tp

    def visit_Assert(self, node: Assert) -> TypedAssert:
        ta = copy(node)
        ta.test = self.visit(node.test)
        assert (
            ta.test.typ == BoolInstanceType
        ), "Assertions must result in a boolean type"
        if ta.msg is not None:
            ta.msg = self.visit(node.msg)
            assert (
                ta.msg.typ == StringInstanceType
            ), "Assertions must has a string message (or None)"
        return ta

    def visit_RawPlutoExpr(self, node: RawPlutoExpr) -> RawPlutoExpr:
        assert node.typ is not None, "Raw Pluto Expression is missing type annotation"
        return node

    def visit_IfExp(self, node: IfExp) -> TypedIfExp:
        node_cp = copy(node)
        node_cp.test = self.visit(node.test)
        assert node_cp.test.typ == BoolInstanceType, "Comparison must have type boolean"
        node_cp.body = self.visit(node.body)
        node_cp.orelse = self.visit(node.orelse)
        if node_cp.body.typ >= node_cp.orelse.typ:
            node_cp.typ = node_cp.body.typ
        elif node_cp.orelse.typ >= node_cp.body.typ:
            node_cp.typ = node_cp.orelse.typ
            raise TypeInferenceError(
                "Branches of if-expression must return compatible types"
        return node_cp

    def visit_comprehension(self, g: comprehension) -> typedcomprehension:
        new_g = copy(g)
        if isinstance(, Tuple):
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Type deconstruction in for loops is not supported yet"
        new_g.iter = self.visit(g.iter)
        itertyp = new_g.iter.typ
        assert isinstance(
            itertyp, InstanceType
        ), "Can only iterate over instances, not classes"
        if isinstance(itertyp.typ, TupleType):
            assert itertyp.typ.typs, "Iterating over an empty tuple is not allowed"
            vartyp = itertyp.typ.typs[0]
            assert all(
                itertyp.typ.typs[0] == t for t in new_g.iter.typ.typs
            ), "Iterating through a tuple requires the same type for each element"
        elif isinstance(itertyp.typ, ListType):
            vartyp = itertyp.typ.typ
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Type inference for loops over non-list objects is not supported"
        self.set_variable_type(, vartyp) = self.visit(
        new_g.ifs = [self.visit(i) for i in g.ifs]
        return new_g

    def visit_ListComp(self, node: ListComp) -> TypedListComp:
        typed_listcomp = copy(node)
        # inside the comprehension is a seperate scope
        # first evaluate generators for assigned variables
        typed_listcomp.generators = [self.visit(s) for s in node.generators]
        # then evaluate elements
        typed_listcomp.elt = self.visit(node.elt)
        typed_listcomp.typ = InstanceType(ListType(typed_listcomp.elt.typ))
        return typed_listcomp

    def generic_visit(self, node: AST) -> TypedAST:
        raise NotImplementedError(
            f"Cannot infer type of non-implemented node {node.__class__}"


Class variables

var current_ret_type
var scopes
var step


def enter_scope(self)
Expand source code
def enter_scope(self):
def exit_scope(self)
Expand source code
def exit_scope(self):
def generic_visit(self, node: _ast.AST) ‑> TypedAST

Called if no explicit visitor function exists for a node.

Expand source code
def generic_visit(self, node: AST) -> TypedAST:
    raise NotImplementedError(
        f"Cannot infer type of non-implemented node {node.__class__}"
def set_variable_type(self, name: str, typ: Type, force=False)
Expand source code
def set_variable_type(self, name: str, typ: Type, force=False):
    if not force and name in self.scopes[-1] and self.scopes[-1][name] != typ:
        if self.scopes[-1][name] >= typ:
            # the specified type is broader, we pass on this
        raise TypeInferenceError(
            f"Type {self.scopes[-1][name]} of variable {name} in local scope does not match inferred type {typ}"
    self.scopes[-1][name] = typ
def type_from_annotation(self, ann: _ast.expr)
Expand source code
def type_from_annotation(self, ann: expr):
    if isinstance(ann, Constant):
        if ann.value is None:
            return UnitType()
    if isinstance(ann, Name):
        if in ATOMIC_TYPES:
            return ATOMIC_TYPES[]
        v_t = self.variable_type(
        if isinstance(v_t, ClassType):
            return v_t
        raise TypeInferenceError(
            f"Class name {} not initialized before annotating variable"
    if isinstance(ann, Subscript):
        assert isinstance(
            ann.value, Name
        ), "Only Union, Dict and List are allowed as Generic types"
        if == "Union":
            assert isinstance(
                ann.slice, Tuple
            ), "Union must combine multiple classes"
            ann_types = [self.type_from_annotation(e) for e in ann.slice.elts]
            assert all(
                isinstance(e, RecordType) for e in ann_types
            ), "Union must combine multiple PlutusData classes"
            assert distinct(
                [e.record.constructor for e in ann_types]
            ), "Union must combine PlutusData classes with unique constructors"
            return UnionType(FrozenFrozenList(ann_types))
        if == "List":
            ann_type = self.type_from_annotation(ann.slice)
            assert isinstance(
                ann_type, ClassType
            ), "List must have a single type as parameter"
            assert not isinstance(
                ann_type, TupleType
            ), "List can currently not hold tuples"
            return ListType(InstanceType(ann_type))
        if == "Dict":
            assert isinstance(ann.slice, Tuple), "Dict must combine two classes"
            assert len(ann.slice.elts) == 2, "Dict must combine two classes"
            ann_types = self.type_from_annotation(
            ), self.type_from_annotation(ann.slice.elts[1])
            assert all(
                isinstance(e, ClassType) for e in ann_types
            ), "Dict must combine two classes"
            assert not any(
                isinstance(e, TupleType) for e in ann_types
            ), "Dict can currently not hold tuples"
            return DictType(*(InstanceType(a) for a in ann_types))
        if == "Tuple":
            assert isinstance(
                ann.slice, Tuple
            ), "Tuple must combine several classes"
            ann_types = [self.type_from_annotation(e) for e in ann.slice.elts]
            assert all(
                isinstance(e, ClassType) for e in ann_types
            ), "Tuple must combine classes"
            return TupleType(FrozenFrozenList([InstanceType(a) for a in ann_types]))
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "Only Union, Dict and List are allowed as Generic types"
    if ann is None:
        return AnyType()
    raise NotImplementedError(f"Annotation type {ann.__class__} is not supported")
def variable_type(self, name: str) ‑> Type
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def variable_type(self, name: str) -> Type:
    name = name
    for scope in reversed(self.scopes):
        if name in scope:
            return scope[name]
    raise TypeInferenceError(f"Variable {name} not initialized at access")
def visit(self, node)

Inherited from: CompilingNodeTransformer.visit

Visit a node.

def visit_AnnAssign(self, node: _ast.AnnAssign) ‑> TypedAnnAssign
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def visit_AnnAssign(self, node: AnnAssign) -> TypedAnnAssign:
    typed_ass = copy(node)
    typed_ass.value: TypedExpression = self.visit(node.value)
    typed_ass.annotation = self.type_from_annotation(node.annotation)
    assert isinstance(, Name
    ), "Can only assign to variable names, no type deconstruction"
    self.set_variable_type(, InstanceType(typed_ass.annotation), force=True
    ) = self.visit(
    assert (
        typed_ass.value.typ >= InstanceType(typed_ass.annotation)
        or InstanceType(typed_ass.annotation) >= typed_ass.value.typ
    ), "Can only cast between related types"
    return typed_ass
def visit_Assert(self, node: _ast.Assert) ‑> TypedAssert
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def visit_Assert(self, node: Assert) -> TypedAssert:
    ta = copy(node)
    ta.test = self.visit(node.test)
    assert (
        ta.test.typ == BoolInstanceType
    ), "Assertions must result in a boolean type"
    if ta.msg is not None:
        ta.msg = self.visit(node.msg)
        assert (
            ta.msg.typ == StringInstanceType
        ), "Assertions must has a string message (or None)"
    return ta
def visit_Assign(self, node: _ast.Assign) ‑> TypedAssign
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def visit_Assign(self, node: Assign) -> TypedAssign:
    typed_ass = copy(node)
    typed_ass.value: TypedExpression = self.visit(node.value)
    # Make sure to first set the type of each target name so we can load it when visiting it
    for t in node.targets:
        assert isinstance(
            t, Name
        ), "Can only assign to variable names, no type deconstruction"
        self.set_variable_type(, typed_ass.value.typ)
    typed_ass.targets = [self.visit(t) for t in node.targets]
    return typed_ass
def visit_Attribute(self, node: _ast.Attribute) ‑> TypedAttribute
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def visit_Attribute(self, node: Attribute) -> TypedAttribute:
    tp = copy(node)
    tp.value = self.visit(node.value)
    owner = tp.value.typ
    # accesses to field
    tp.typ = owner.attribute_type(node.attr)
    return tp
def visit_BinOp(self, node: _ast.BinOp) ‑> TypedBinOp
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def visit_BinOp(self, node: BinOp) -> TypedBinOp:
    tb = copy(node)
    tb.left = self.visit(node.left)
    tb.right = self.visit(node.right)
    # TODO the outcome of the operation may depend on the input types
    assert (
        tb.left.typ == tb.right.typ
    ), "Inputs to a binary operation need to have the same type"
    tb.typ = tb.left.typ
    return tb
def visit_BoolOp(self, node: _ast.BoolOp) ‑> TypedBoolOp
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def visit_BoolOp(self, node: BoolOp) -> TypedBoolOp:
    tt = copy(node)
    tt.values = [self.visit(e) for e in node.values]
    tt.typ = BoolInstanceType
    assert all(
        BoolInstanceType >= e.typ for e in tt.values
    ), "All values compared must be bools"
    return tt
def visit_Call(self, node: _ast.Call) ‑> TypedCall
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def visit_Call(self, node: Call) -> TypedCall:
    assert not node.keywords, "Keyword arguments are not supported yet"
    tc = copy(node)
    tc.args = [self.visit(a) for a in node.args]
    tc.func = self.visit(node.func)
    # might be a cast
    if isinstance(tc.func.typ, ClassType):
        tc.func.typ = tc.func.typ.constr_type()
    # type might only turn out after the initialization (note the constr could be polymorphic)
    if isinstance(tc.func.typ, InstanceType) and isinstance(
        tc.func.typ.typ, PolymorphicFunctionType
        tc.func.typ = PolymorphicFunctionInstanceType(
                [a.typ for a in tc.args]
    if isinstance(tc.func.typ, InstanceType) and isinstance(
        tc.func.typ.typ, FunctionType
        functyp = tc.func.typ.typ
        assert len(tc.args) == len(
        ), f"Signature of function does not match number of arguments. Expected {len(functyp.argtyps)} arguments with these types: {functyp.argtyps}"
        # all arguments need to be supertypes of the given type
        assert all(
            ap >= a.typ for a, ap in zip(tc.args, functyp.argtyps)
        ), f"Signature of function does not match arguments. Expected {len(functyp.argtyps)} arguments with these types: {functyp.argtyps}"
        tc.typ = functyp.rettyp
        return tc
    raise TypeInferenceError("Could not infer type of call")
def visit_ClassDef(self, node: _ast.ClassDef) ‑> TypedClassDef
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def visit_ClassDef(self, node: ClassDef) -> TypedClassDef:
    class_record = RecordReader.extract(node, self)
    typ = RecordType(class_record)
    self.set_variable_type(, typ)
    typed_node = copy(node)
    typed_node.class_typ = typ
    return typed_node
def visit_Compare(self, node: _ast.Compare) ‑> TypedCompare
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def visit_Compare(self, node: Compare) -> TypedCompare:
    typed_cmp = copy(node)
    typed_cmp.left = self.visit(node.left)
    typed_cmp.comparators = [self.visit(s) for s in node.comparators]
    typed_cmp.typ = BoolInstanceType
    # the actual required types are being taken care of in the implementation
    return typed_cmp
def visit_Constant(self, node: _ast.Constant) ‑> TypedConstant
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def visit_Constant(self, node: Constant) -> TypedConstant:
    tc = copy(node)
    assert type(node.value) not in [
    ], "Float, complex numbers and ellipsis currently not supported"
    if tc.value is None:
        tc.typ = NoneInstanceType
        tc.typ = InstanceType(ATOMIC_TYPES[type(node.value).__name__])
    return tc
def visit_Dict(self, node: _ast.Dict) ‑> TypedDict
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def visit_Dict(self, node: Dict) -> TypedDict:
    tt = copy(node)
    tt.keys = [self.visit(k) for k in node.keys]
    tt.values = [self.visit(v) for v in node.values]
    k_typ = tt.keys[0].typ
    assert all(k_typ >= k.typ for k in tt.keys), "All keys must have the same type"
    v_typ = tt.values[0].typ
    assert all(
        v_typ >= v.typ for v in tt.values
    ), "All values must have the same type"
    tt.typ = InstanceType(DictType(k_typ, v_typ))
    return tt
def visit_Expr(self, node: _ast.Expr) ‑> TypedExpr
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def visit_Expr(self, node: Expr) -> TypedExpr:
    tn = copy(node)
    tn.value = self.visit(node.value)
    return tn
def visit_For(self, node: _ast.For) ‑> TypedFor
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def visit_For(self, node: For) -> TypedFor:
    typed_for = copy(node)
    typed_for.iter = self.visit(node.iter)
    if isinstance(, Tuple):
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "Type deconstruction in for loops is not supported yet"
    vartyp = None
    itertyp = typed_for.iter.typ
    assert isinstance(
        itertyp, InstanceType
    ), "Can only iterate over instances, not classes"
    if isinstance(itertyp.typ, TupleType):
        assert itertyp.typ.typs, "Iterating over an empty tuple is not allowed"
        vartyp = itertyp.typ.typs[0]
        assert all(
            itertyp.typ.typs[0] == t for t in typed_for.iter.typ.typs
        ), "Iterating through a tuple requires the same type for each element"
    elif isinstance(itertyp.typ, ListType):
        vartyp = itertyp.typ.typ
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "Type inference for loops over non-list objects is not supported"
    self.set_variable_type(, vartyp) = self.visit(
    typed_for.body = [self.visit(s) for s in node.body]
    typed_for.orelse = [self.visit(s) for s in node.orelse]
    return typed_for
def visit_FunctionDef(self, node: _ast.FunctionDef) ‑> TypedFunctionDef
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def visit_FunctionDef(self, node: FunctionDef) -> TypedFunctionDef:
    tfd = copy(node)
    assert not node.decorator_list, "Functions may not have decorators"
    rettyp = InstanceType(self.type_from_annotation(tfd.returns))
    tfd.args = self.visit(node.args)
    functyp = FunctionType(
        [t.typ for t in tfd.args.args],
    tfd.typ = InstanceType(functyp)
    # We need the function type inside for recursion
    self.set_variable_type(, tfd.typ)
    tfd.body = [self.visit(s) for s in node.body]
    rets_extractor = ReturnExtractor()
    for b in tfd.body:
    rets = rets_extractor.returns
    # Check that return type and annotated return type match
    if not rets:
        assert (
            functyp.rettyp >= NoneInstanceType
        ), f"Function '{}' has no return statement but is supposed to return not-None value"
        assert all(
            functyp.rettyp >= r.typ for r in rets
        ), f"Function '{}' annotated return type does not match actual return type"
    # We need the function type outside for usage
    self.set_variable_type(, tfd.typ)
    return tfd
def visit_If(self, node: _ast.If) ‑> TypedIf
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def visit_If(self, node: If) -> TypedIf:
    typed_if = copy(node)
    if (
        isinstance(typed_if.test, Call)
        and (typed_if.test.func, Name)
        and == "isinstance"
        tc = typed_if.test
        # special case for Union
        assert isinstance(
            tc.args[0], Name
        ), "Target 0 of an isinstance cast must be a variable name"
        assert isinstance(
            tc.args[1], Name
        ), "Target 1 of an isinstance cast must be a class name"
        target_class: RecordType = self.variable_type(tc.args[1].id)
        target_inst = self.visit(tc.args[0])
        target_inst_class = target_inst.typ
        assert isinstance(
            target_inst_class, InstanceType
        ), "Can only cast instances, not classes"
        assert isinstance(
            target_inst_class.typ, UnionType
        ), "Can only cast instances of Union types of PlutusData"
        assert isinstance(target_class, RecordType), "Can only cast to PlutusData"
        assert (
            target_class in target_inst_class.typ.typs
        ), f"Trying to cast an instance of Union type to non-instance of union type"
        typed_if.test = self.visit(
                left=Attribute(tc.args[0], "CONSTR_ID"),
        # for the time of this if branch set the variable type to the specialized type
            tc.args[0].id, InstanceType(target_class), force=True
        typed_if.body = [self.visit(s) for s in node.body]
        self.set_variable_type(tc.args[0].id, target_inst_class, force=True)
        typed_if.test = self.visit(node.test)
        assert (
            typed_if.test.typ == BoolInstanceType
        ), "Branching condition must have boolean type"
        typed_if.body = [self.visit(s) for s in node.body]
    typed_if.orelse = [self.visit(s) for s in node.orelse]
    return typed_if
def visit_IfExp(self, node: _ast.IfExp) ‑> TypedIfExp
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def visit_IfExp(self, node: IfExp) -> TypedIfExp:
    node_cp = copy(node)
    node_cp.test = self.visit(node.test)
    assert node_cp.test.typ == BoolInstanceType, "Comparison must have type boolean"
    node_cp.body = self.visit(node.body)
    node_cp.orelse = self.visit(node.orelse)
    if node_cp.body.typ >= node_cp.orelse.typ:
        node_cp.typ = node_cp.body.typ
    elif node_cp.orelse.typ >= node_cp.body.typ:
        node_cp.typ = node_cp.orelse.typ
        raise TypeInferenceError(
            "Branches of if-expression must return compatible types"
    return node_cp
def visit_List(self, node: _ast.List) ‑> TypedList
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def visit_List(self, node: List) -> TypedList:
    tt = copy(node)
    tt.elts = [self.visit(e) for e in node.elts]
    l_typ = tt.elts[0].typ
    assert all(
        l_typ >= e.typ for e in tt.elts
    ), "All elements of a list must have the same type"
    tt.typ = InstanceType(ListType(l_typ))
    return tt
def visit_ListComp(self, node: _ast.ListComp) ‑> TypedListComp
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def visit_ListComp(self, node: ListComp) -> TypedListComp:
    typed_listcomp = copy(node)
    # inside the comprehension is a seperate scope
    # first evaluate generators for assigned variables
    typed_listcomp.generators = [self.visit(s) for s in node.generators]
    # then evaluate elements
    typed_listcomp.elt = self.visit(node.elt)
    typed_listcomp.typ = InstanceType(ListType(typed_listcomp.elt.typ))
    return typed_listcomp
def visit_Module(self, node: _ast.Module) ‑> TypedModule
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def visit_Module(self, node: Module) -> TypedModule:
    tm = copy(node)
    tm.body = [self.visit(n) for n in node.body]
    return tm
def visit_Name(self, node: _ast.Name) ‑> TypedName
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def visit_Name(self, node: Name) -> TypedName:
    tn = copy(node)
    # Make sure that the rhs of an assign is evaluated first
    tn.typ = self.variable_type(
    return tn
def visit_Pass(self, node: _ast.Pass) ‑> TypedPass
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def visit_Pass(self, node: Pass) -> TypedPass:
    tp = copy(node)
    return tp
def visit_RawPlutoExpr(self, node: RawPlutoExpr) ‑> RawPlutoExpr
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def visit_RawPlutoExpr(self, node: RawPlutoExpr) -> RawPlutoExpr:
    assert node.typ is not None, "Raw Pluto Expression is missing type annotation"
    return node
def visit_Return(self, node: _ast.Return) ‑> TypedReturn
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def visit_Return(self, node: Return) -> TypedReturn:
    tp = copy(node)
    tp.value = self.visit(node.value)
    tp.typ = (
        tp.value.typ if not self.current_ret_type else self.current_ret_type[-1]
    return tp
def visit_Subscript(self, node: _ast.Subscript) ‑> TypedSubscript
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def visit_Subscript(self, node: Subscript) -> TypedSubscript:
    ts = copy(node)
    # special case: Subscript of Union / Dict / List and atomic types
    if isinstance(ts.value, Name) and in [
        ts.value = ts.typ = self.type_from_annotation(ts)
        return ts

    ts.value = self.visit(node.value)
    assert isinstance(ts.value.typ, InstanceType), "Can only subscript instances"
    if isinstance(ts.value.typ.typ, TupleType):
        assert (
        ), "Accessing elements from the empty tuple is not allowed"
        if all(ts.value.typ.typ.typs[0] == t for t in ts.value.typ.typ.typs):
            ts.typ = ts.value.typ.typ.typs[0]
        elif isinstance(ts.slice, Constant) and isinstance(ts.slice.value, int):
            ts.typ = ts.value.typ.typ.typs[ts.slice.value]
            raise TypeInferenceError(
                f"Could not infer type of subscript of typ {ts.value.typ.typ.__class__}"
    elif isinstance(ts.value.typ.typ, PairType):
        if isinstance(ts.slice, Constant) and isinstance(ts.slice.value, int):
            ts.typ = (
                if ts.slice.value == 0
                else ts.value.typ.typ.r_typ
            raise TypeInferenceError(
                f"Could not infer type of subscript of typ {ts.value.typ.typ.__class__}"
    elif isinstance(ts.value.typ.typ, ListType):
        ts.typ = ts.value.typ.typ.typ
        ts.slice = self.visit(node.slice)
        assert ts.slice.typ == IntegerInstanceType, "List indices must be integers"
    elif isinstance(ts.value.typ.typ, ByteStringType):
        if not isinstance(ts.slice, Slice):
            ts.typ = IntegerInstanceType
            ts.slice = self.visit(node.slice)
            assert (
                ts.slice.typ == IntegerInstanceType
            ), "bytes indices must be integers"
        elif isinstance(ts.slice, Slice):
            ts.typ = ByteStringInstanceType
            if ts.slice.lower is None:
                ts.slice.lower = Constant(0)
            ts.slice.lower = self.visit(node.slice.lower)
            assert (
                ts.slice.lower.typ == IntegerInstanceType
            ), "lower slice indices for bytes must be integers"
            if ts.slice.upper is None:
                ts.slice.upper = Call(
                    func=Name(id="len", ctx=Load()), args=[ts.value], keywords=[]
            ts.slice.upper = self.visit(node.slice.upper)
            assert (
                ts.slice.upper.typ == IntegerInstanceType
            ), "upper slice indices for bytes must be integers"
            raise TypeInferenceError(
                f"Could not infer type of subscript of typ {ts.value.typ.__class__}"
    elif isinstance(ts.value.typ.typ, DictType):
        # TODO could be implemented with potentially just erroring. It might be desired to avoid this though.
        if not isinstance(ts.slice, Slice):
            ts.slice = self.visit(node.slice)
            assert (
                ts.slice.typ == ts.value.typ.typ.key_typ
            ), f"Dict subscript must have dict key type {ts.value.typ.typ.key_typ} but has type {ts.slice.typ}"
            ts.typ = ts.value.typ.typ.value_typ
            raise TypeInferenceError(
                f"Could not infer type of subscript of dict with a slice."
        raise TypeInferenceError(
            f"Could not infer type of subscript of typ {ts.value.typ.__class__}"
    return ts
def visit_Tuple(self, node: _ast.Tuple) ‑> TypedTuple
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def visit_Tuple(self, node: Tuple) -> TypedTuple:
    tt = copy(node)
    tt.elts = [self.visit(e) for e in node.elts]
    tt.typ = InstanceType(TupleType([e.typ for e in tt.elts]))
    return tt
def visit_UnaryOp(self, node: _ast.UnaryOp) ‑> TypedUnaryOp
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def visit_UnaryOp(self, node: UnaryOp) -> TypedUnaryOp:
    tu = copy(node)
    tu.operand = self.visit(node.operand)
    tu.typ = tu.operand.typ
    return tu
def visit_While(self, node: _ast.While) ‑> TypedWhile
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def visit_While(self, node: While) -> TypedWhile:
    typed_while = copy(node)
    typed_while.test = self.visit(node.test)
    assert (
        typed_while.test.typ == BoolInstanceType
    ), "Branching condition must have boolean type"
    typed_while.body = [self.visit(s) for s in node.body]
    typed_while.orelse = [self.visit(s) for s in node.orelse]
    return typed_while
def visit_arg(self, node: _ast.arg) ‑> typedarg
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def visit_arg(self, node: arg) -> typedarg:
    ta = copy(node)
    ta.typ = InstanceType(self.type_from_annotation(node.annotation))
    self.set_variable_type(ta.arg, ta.typ)
    return ta
def visit_arguments(self, node: _ast.arguments) ‑> typedarguments
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def visit_arguments(self, node: arguments) -> typedarguments:
    if node.kw_defaults or node.kwarg or node.kwonlyargs or node.defaults:
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "Keyword arguments and defaults not supported yet"
    ta = copy(node)
    ta.args = [self.visit(a) for a in node.args]
    return ta
def visit_comprehension(self, g: _ast.comprehension) ‑> typedcomprehension
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def visit_comprehension(self, g: comprehension) -> typedcomprehension:
    new_g = copy(g)
    if isinstance(, Tuple):
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "Type deconstruction in for loops is not supported yet"
    new_g.iter = self.visit(g.iter)
    itertyp = new_g.iter.typ
    assert isinstance(
        itertyp, InstanceType
    ), "Can only iterate over instances, not classes"
    if isinstance(itertyp.typ, TupleType):
        assert itertyp.typ.typs, "Iterating over an empty tuple is not allowed"
        vartyp = itertyp.typ.typs[0]
        assert all(
            itertyp.typ.typs[0] == t for t in new_g.iter.typ.typs
        ), "Iterating through a tuple requires the same type for each element"
    elif isinstance(itertyp.typ, ListType):
        vartyp = itertyp.typ.typ
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "Type inference for loops over non-list objects is not supported"
    self.set_variable_type(, vartyp) = self.visit(
    new_g.ifs = [self.visit(i) for i in g.ifs]
    return new_g
class RecordReader (type_inferencer: AggressiveTypeInferencer)

A node visitor base class that walks the abstract syntax tree and calls a visitor function for every node found. This function may return a value which is forwarded by the visit method.

This class is meant to be subclassed, with the subclass adding visitor methods.

Per default the visitor functions for the nodes are 'visit_' + class name of the node. So a TryFinally node visit function would be visit_TryFinally. This behavior can be changed by overriding the visit method. If no visitor function exists for a node (return value None) the generic_visit visitor is used instead.

Don't use the NodeVisitor if you want to apply changes to nodes during traversing. For this a special visitor exists (NodeTransformer) that allows modifications.

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class RecordReader(NodeVisitor):
    name: str
    constructor: int
    attributes: typing.List[typing.Tuple[str, Type]]
    _type_inferencer: AggressiveTypeInferencer

    def __init__(self, type_inferencer: AggressiveTypeInferencer):
        self.constructor = 0
        self.attributes = []
        self._type_inferencer = type_inferencer

    def extract(cls, c: ClassDef, type_inferencer: AggressiveTypeInferencer) -> Record:
        f = cls(type_inferencer)
        return Record(, f.constructor, FrozenFrozenList(f.attributes))

    def visit_AnnAssign(self, node: AnnAssign) -> None:
        assert isinstance(
  , Name
        ), "Record elements must have named attributes"
        typ = self._type_inferencer.type_from_annotation(node.annotation)
        if != "CONSTR_ID":
            assert (
                node.value is None
            ), f"PlutusData attribute {} may not have a default value"
            assert not isinstance(
                typ, TupleType
            ), "Records can currently not hold tuples"
        assert typ == IntegerType, "CONSTR_ID must be assigned an integer"
        assert isinstance(
            node.value, Constant
        ), "CONSTR_ID must be assigned a constant integer"
        assert isinstance(
            node.value.value, int
        ), "CONSTR_ID must be assigned an integer"
        self.constructor = node.value.value

    def visit_ClassDef(self, node: ClassDef) -> None: =
        for s in node.body:

    def visit_Pass(self, node: Pass) -> None:

    def visit_Assign(self, node: Assign) -> None:
        assert len(node.targets) == 1, "Record elements must be assigned one by one"
        target = node.targets[0]
        assert isinstance(target, Name), "Record elements must have named attributes"
        assert (
   == "CONSTR_ID"
        ), "Type annotations may only be omitted for CONSTR_ID"
        assert isinstance(
            node.value, Constant
        ), "CONSTR_ID must be assigned a constant integer"
        assert isinstance(
            node.value.value, int
        ), "CONSTR_ID must be assigned an integer"
        self.constructor = node.value.value

    def visit_Expr(self, node: Expr) -> None:
        assert isinstance(
            node.value, Constant
        ), "Only comments are allowed inside classes"
        return None

    def generic_visit(self, node: AST) -> None:
        raise NotImplementedError(f"Can not compile {ast.dump(node)} inside of a class")


  • ast.NodeVisitor

Class variables

var attributes : List[Tuple[str, Type]]
var constructor : int
var name : str

Static methods

def extract(c: _ast.ClassDef, type_inferencer: AggressiveTypeInferencer) ‑> Record
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def extract(cls, c: ClassDef, type_inferencer: AggressiveTypeInferencer) -> Record:
    f = cls(type_inferencer)
    return Record(, f.constructor, FrozenFrozenList(f.attributes))


def generic_visit(self, node: _ast.AST) ‑> None

Called if no explicit visitor function exists for a node.

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def generic_visit(self, node: AST) -> None:
    raise NotImplementedError(f"Can not compile {ast.dump(node)} inside of a class")
def visit_AnnAssign(self, node: _ast.AnnAssign) ‑> None
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def visit_AnnAssign(self, node: AnnAssign) -> None:
    assert isinstance(, Name
    ), "Record elements must have named attributes"
    typ = self._type_inferencer.type_from_annotation(node.annotation)
    if != "CONSTR_ID":
        assert (
            node.value is None
        ), f"PlutusData attribute {} may not have a default value"
        assert not isinstance(
            typ, TupleType
        ), "Records can currently not hold tuples"
    assert typ == IntegerType, "CONSTR_ID must be assigned an integer"
    assert isinstance(
        node.value, Constant
    ), "CONSTR_ID must be assigned a constant integer"
    assert isinstance(
        node.value.value, int
    ), "CONSTR_ID must be assigned an integer"
    self.constructor = node.value.value
def visit_Assign(self, node: _ast.Assign) ‑> None
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def visit_Assign(self, node: Assign) -> None:
    assert len(node.targets) == 1, "Record elements must be assigned one by one"
    target = node.targets[0]
    assert isinstance(target, Name), "Record elements must have named attributes"
    assert ( == "CONSTR_ID"
    ), "Type annotations may only be omitted for CONSTR_ID"
    assert isinstance(
        node.value, Constant
    ), "CONSTR_ID must be assigned a constant integer"
    assert isinstance(
        node.value.value, int
    ), "CONSTR_ID must be assigned an integer"
    self.constructor = node.value.value
def visit_ClassDef(self, node: _ast.ClassDef) ‑> None
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def visit_ClassDef(self, node: ClassDef) -> None: =
    for s in node.body:
def visit_Expr(self, node: _ast.Expr) ‑> None
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def visit_Expr(self, node: Expr) -> None:
    assert isinstance(
        node.value, Constant
    ), "Only comments are allowed inside classes"
    return None
def visit_Pass(self, node: _ast.Pass) ‑> None
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def visit_Pass(self, node: Pass) -> None: