Module hebi.tests.test_builtins
Expand source code
import unittest
import parameterized
from hypothesis import example, given
from hypothesis import strategies as st
from uplc import ast as uplc, eval as uplc_eval
from .. import compiler
class BuiltinTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_all(self, xs):
# this tests that errors that are caused by assignments are actually triggered at the time of assigning
source_code = """
def validator(x: List[bool]) -> bool:
return all(x)
ast = compiler.parse(source_code)
code = compiler.compile(ast)
code = code.compile()
f = code.term
# UPLC lambdas may only take one argument at a time, so we evaluate by repeatedly applying
for d in [uplc.PlutusList([uplc.PlutusInteger(int(x)) for x in xs])]:
f = uplc.Apply(f, d)
ret = bool(uplc_eval(f).value)
self.assertEqual(ret, all(xs), "all returned wrong value")
def test_any(self, xs):
# this tests that errors that are caused by assignments are actually triggered at the time of assigning
source_code = """
def validator(x: List[bool]) -> bool:
return any(x)
ast = compiler.parse(source_code)
code = compiler.compile(ast)
code = code.compile()
f = code.term
# UPLC lambdas may only take one argument at a time, so we evaluate by repeatedly applying
for d in [uplc.PlutusList([uplc.PlutusInteger(int(x)) for x in xs])]:
f = uplc.Apply(f, d)
ret = bool(uplc_eval(f).value)
self.assertEqual(ret, any(xs), "any returned wrong value")
def test_abs(self, i):
# this tests that errors that are caused by assignments are actually triggered at the time of assigning
source_code = """
def validator(x: int) -> int:
return abs(x)
ast = compiler.parse(source_code)
code = compiler.compile(ast)
code = code.compile()
f = code.term
# UPLC lambdas may only take one argument at a time, so we evaluate by repeatedly applying
for d in [uplc.PlutusInteger(i)]:
f = uplc.Apply(f, d)
ret = uplc_eval(f).value
except Exception as e:
ret = None
self.assertEqual(ret, abs(i), "abs returned wrong value")
st.lists(st.integers()), st.lists(st.integers(min_value=0, max_value=255))
def test_bytes_int_list(self, xs):
# this tests that errors that are caused by assignments are actually triggered at the time of assigning
source_code = """
def validator(x: List[int]) -> bytes:
return bytes(x)
ast = compiler.parse(source_code)
code = compiler.compile(ast)
code = code.compile()
f = code.term
exp = bytes(xs)
except ValueError:
exp = None
for d in [uplc.PlutusList([uplc.PlutusInteger(x) for x in xs])]:
f = uplc.Apply(f, d)
ret = uplc_eval(f).value
ret = None
self.assertEqual(ret, exp, "bytes (integer list) returned wrong value")
def test_chr(self, i):
# this tests that errors that are caused by assignments are actually triggered at the time of assigning
source_code = """
def validator(x: int) -> str:
return chr(x)
ast = compiler.parse(source_code)
code = compiler.compile(ast)
code = code.compile()
f = code.term
# UPLC lambdas may only take one argument at a time, so we evaluate by repeatedly applying
i_unicode = chr(i).encode("utf8")
except (ValueError, OverflowError):
i_unicode = None
for d in [uplc.PlutusInteger(i)]:
f = uplc.Apply(f, d)
ret = uplc_eval(f).value
except Exception as e:
ret = None
self.assertEqual(ret, i_unicode, "chr returned wrong value")
def test_hex(self, x):
# this tests that errors that are caused by assignments are actually triggered at the time of assigning
source_code = """
def validator(x: int) -> str:
return hex(x)
ast = compiler.parse(source_code)
code = compiler.compile(ast)
code = code.compile()
f = code.term
# UPLC lambdas may only take one argument at a time, so we evaluate by repeatedly applying
for d in [uplc.PlutusInteger(x)]:
f = uplc.Apply(f, d)
ret = uplc_eval(f).value.decode("utf8")
self.assertEqual(ret, hex(x), "hex returned wrong value")
@unittest.skip("Integer stripping is currently broken")
@given(xs=st.one_of(st.builds(lambda x: str(x), st.integers()), st.text()))
def test_int_string(self, xs: str):
# this tests that errors that are caused by assignments are actually triggered at the time of assigning
source_code = """
def validator(x: str) -> int:
return int(x)
ast = compiler.parse(source_code)
code = compiler.compile(ast)
code = code.compile()
f = code.term
exp = int(xs)
except ValueError:
exp = None
for d in [uplc.PlutusByteString(xs.encode("utf8"))]:
f = uplc.Apply(f, d)
ret = uplc_eval(f).value
ret = None
self.assertEqual(ret, exp, "str (integer) returned wrong value")
["10_00", "00", "_", "_1", "-10238", "19293812983721837981", "jakjsdh"]
def test_int_string(self, xs: str):
# this tests that errors that are caused by assignments are actually triggered at the time of assigning
source_code = """
def validator(x: str) -> int:
return int(x)
ast = compiler.parse(source_code)
code = compiler.compile(ast)
code = code.compile()
f = code.term
exp = int(xs)
except ValueError:
exp = None
for d in [uplc.PlutusByteString(xs.encode("utf8"))]:
f = uplc.Apply(f, d)
ret = uplc_eval(f).value
ret = None
self.assertEqual(ret, exp, "str (integer) returned wrong value")
def test_len_bytestring(self, i):
# this tests that errors that are caused by assignments are actually triggered at the time of assigning
source_code = """
def validator(x: bytes) -> int:
return len(x)
ast = compiler.parse(source_code)
code = compiler.compile(ast)
code = code.compile()
f = code.term
# UPLC lambdas may only take one argument at a time, so we evaluate by repeatedly applying
for d in [uplc.PlutusByteString(i)]:
f = uplc.Apply(f, d)
ret = uplc_eval(f).value
self.assertEqual(ret, len(i), "len (bytestring) returned wrong value")
def test_len_lists(self, xs):
# this tests that errors that are caused by assignments are actually triggered at the time of assigning
source_code = """
def validator(x: List[int]) -> int:
return len(x)
ast = compiler.parse(source_code)
code = compiler.compile(ast)
code = code.compile()
f = code.term
# UPLC lambdas may only take one argument at a time, so we evaluate by repeatedly applying
for d in [uplc.PlutusList([uplc.PlutusInteger(x) for x in xs])]:
f = uplc.Apply(f, d)
ret = uplc_eval(f).value
self.assertEqual(ret, len(xs), "len returned wrong value")
def test_max(self, xs):
# this tests that errors that are caused by assignments are actually triggered at the time of assigning
source_code = """
def validator(x: List[int]) -> int:
return max(x)
ast = compiler.parse(source_code)
code = compiler.compile(ast)
code = code.compile()
exp = max(xs)
except ValueError:
exp = None
f = code.term
# UPLC lambdas may only take one argument at a time, so we evaluate by repeatedly applying
for d in [uplc.PlutusList([uplc.PlutusInteger(int(x)) for x in xs])]:
f = uplc.Apply(f, d)
ret = uplc_eval(f).value
ret = None
self.assertEqual(ret, exp, "max returned wrong value")
def test_min(self, xs):
# this tests that errors that are caused by assignments are actually triggered at the time of assigning
source_code = """
def validator(x: List[int]) -> int:
return min(x)
ast = compiler.parse(source_code)
code = compiler.compile(ast)
code = code.compile()
exp = min(xs)
except ValueError:
exp = None
f = code.term
# UPLC lambdas may only take one argument at a time, so we evaluate by repeatedly applying
for d in [uplc.PlutusList([uplc.PlutusInteger(int(x)) for x in xs])]:
f = uplc.Apply(f, d)
ret = uplc_eval(f).value
ret = None
self.assertEqual(ret, exp, "min returned wrong value")
@given(x=st.integers(), y=st.integers(min_value=0, max_value=20))
def test_pow(self, x: int, y: int):
source_code = """
def validator(x: int, y: int) -> int:
return pow(x, y) % 10000000000
ast = compiler.parse(source_code)
code = compiler.compile(ast)
code = code.compile()
f = code.term
exp = pow(x, y) % 10000000000
except ValueError:
exp = None
for d in [uplc.PlutusInteger(x), uplc.PlutusInteger(y)]:
f = uplc.Apply(f, d)
ret = uplc_eval(f).value
ret = None
self.assertEqual(ret, exp, "pow returned wrong value")
def test_oct(self, x):
# this tests that errors that are caused by assignments are actually triggered at the time of assigning
source_code = """
def validator(x: int) -> str:
return oct(x)
ast = compiler.parse(source_code)
code = compiler.compile(ast)
code = code.compile()
f = code.term
# UPLC lambdas may only take one argument at a time, so we evaluate by repeatedly applying
for d in [uplc.PlutusInteger(x)]:
f = uplc.Apply(f, d)
ret = uplc_eval(f).value.decode("utf8")
self.assertEqual(ret, oct(x), "oct returned wrong value")
def test_range(self, i):
# this tests that errors that are caused by assignments are actually triggered at the time of assigning
source_code = """
def validator(x: int) -> List[int]:
return range(x)
ast = compiler.parse(source_code)
code = compiler.compile(ast)
code = code.compile()
f = code.term
# UPLC lambdas may only take one argument at a time, so we evaluate by repeatedly applying
for d in [uplc.PlutusInteger(i)]:
f = uplc.Apply(f, d)
ret = [x.value for x in uplc_eval(f).value]
self.assertEqual(ret, list(range(i)), "sum returned wrong value")
def test_str_int(self, x):
# this tests that errors that are caused by assignments are actually triggered at the time of assigning
source_code = """
def validator(x: int) -> str:
return str(x)
ast = compiler.parse(source_code)
code = compiler.compile(ast)
code = code.compile()
f = code.term
# UPLC lambdas may only take one argument at a time, so we evaluate by repeatedly applying
for d in [uplc.PlutusInteger(x)]:
f = uplc.Apply(f, d)
ret = uplc_eval(f).value.decode("utf8")
self.assertEqual(ret, str(x), "str returned wrong value")
def test_sum(self, xs):
# this tests that errors that are caused by assignments are actually triggered at the time of assigning
source_code = """
def validator(x: List[int]) -> int:
return sum(x)
ast = compiler.parse(source_code)
code = compiler.compile(ast)
code = code.compile()
f = code.term
# UPLC lambdas may only take one argument at a time, so we evaluate by repeatedly applying
for d in [uplc.PlutusList([uplc.PlutusInteger(x) for x in xs])]:
f = uplc.Apply(f, d)
ret = uplc_eval(f).value
self.assertEqual(ret, sum(xs), "sum returned wrong value")
def test_reversed(self, xs):
# this tests that errors that are caused by assignments are actually triggered at the time of assigning
source_code = """
def validator(x: List[int]) -> List[int]:
return reversed(x)
ast = compiler.parse(source_code)
code = compiler.compile(ast)
code = code.compile()
f = code.term
# UPLC lambdas may only take one argument at a time, so we evaluate by repeatedly applying
for d in [uplc.PlutusList([uplc.PlutusInteger(x) for x in xs])]:
f = uplc.Apply(f, d)
ret = [x.value for x in uplc_eval(f).value]
self.assertEqual(ret, list(reversed(xs)), "reversed returned wrong value")
def test_bool_constr_int(self, x):
# this tests that errors that are caused by assignments are actually triggered at the time of assigning
source_code = """
def validator(x: int) -> bool:
return bool(x)
ast = compiler.parse(source_code)
code = compiler.compile(ast)
code = code.compile()
f = code.term
# UPLC lambdas may only take one argument at a time, so we evaluate by repeatedly applying
for d in [uplc.PlutusInteger(x)]:
f = uplc.Apply(f, d)
ret = bool(uplc_eval(f).value)
self.assertEqual(ret, bool(x), "reversed returned wrong value")
class BuiltinTest (methodName='runTest')
A class whose instances are single test cases.
By default, the test code itself should be placed in a method named 'runTest'.
If the fixture may be used for many test cases, create as many test methods as are needed. When instantiating such a TestCase subclass, specify in the constructor arguments the name of the test method that the instance is to execute.
Test authors should subclass TestCase for their own tests. Construction and deconstruction of the test's environment ('fixture') can be implemented by overriding the 'setUp' and 'tearDown' methods respectively.
If it is necessary to override the init method, the base class init method must always be called. It is important that subclasses should not change the signature of their init method, since instances of the classes are instantiated automatically by parts of the framework in order to be run.
When subclassing TestCase, you can set these attributes: * failureException: determines which exception will be raised when the instance's assertion methods fail; test methods raising this exception will be deemed to have 'failed' rather than 'errored'. * longMessage: determines whether long messages (including repr of objects used in assert methods) will be printed on failure in addition to any explicit message passed. * maxDiff: sets the maximum length of a diff in failure messages by assert methods using difflib. It is looked up as an instance attribute so can be configured by individual tests if required.
Create an instance of the class that will use the named test method when executed. Raises a ValueError if the instance does not have a method with the specified name.
Expand source code
class BuiltinTest(unittest.TestCase): @given(xs=st.lists(st.booleans())) def test_all(self, xs): # this tests that errors that are caused by assignments are actually triggered at the time of assigning source_code = """ def validator(x: List[bool]) -> bool: return all(x) """ ast = compiler.parse(source_code) code = compiler.compile(ast) code = code.compile() f = code.term # UPLC lambdas may only take one argument at a time, so we evaluate by repeatedly applying for d in [uplc.PlutusList([uplc.PlutusInteger(int(x)) for x in xs])]: f = uplc.Apply(f, d) ret = bool(uplc_eval(f).value) self.assertEqual(ret, all(xs), "all returned wrong value") @given(xs=st.lists(st.booleans())) def test_any(self, xs): # this tests that errors that are caused by assignments are actually triggered at the time of assigning source_code = """ def validator(x: List[bool]) -> bool: return any(x) """ ast = compiler.parse(source_code) code = compiler.compile(ast) code = code.compile() f = code.term # UPLC lambdas may only take one argument at a time, so we evaluate by repeatedly applying for d in [uplc.PlutusList([uplc.PlutusInteger(int(x)) for x in xs])]: f = uplc.Apply(f, d) ret = bool(uplc_eval(f).value) self.assertEqual(ret, any(xs), "any returned wrong value") @given(i=st.integers()) def test_abs(self, i): # this tests that errors that are caused by assignments are actually triggered at the time of assigning source_code = """ def validator(x: int) -> int: return abs(x) """ ast = compiler.parse(source_code) code = compiler.compile(ast) code = code.compile() f = code.term # UPLC lambdas may only take one argument at a time, so we evaluate by repeatedly applying try: for d in [uplc.PlutusInteger(i)]: f = uplc.Apply(f, d) ret = uplc_eval(f).value except Exception as e: ret = None self.assertEqual(ret, abs(i), "abs returned wrong value") @given( xs=st.one_of( st.lists(st.integers()), st.lists(st.integers(min_value=0, max_value=255)) ) ) def test_bytes_int_list(self, xs): # this tests that errors that are caused by assignments are actually triggered at the time of assigning source_code = """ def validator(x: List[int]) -> bytes: return bytes(x) """ ast = compiler.parse(source_code) code = compiler.compile(ast) code = code.compile() f = code.term try: exp = bytes(xs) except ValueError: exp = None try: for d in [uplc.PlutusList([uplc.PlutusInteger(x) for x in xs])]: f = uplc.Apply(f, d) ret = uplc_eval(f).value except: ret = None self.assertEqual(ret, exp, "bytes (integer list) returned wrong value") @given(i=st.integers()) @example(256) @example(0) def test_chr(self, i): # this tests that errors that are caused by assignments are actually triggered at the time of assigning source_code = """ def validator(x: int) -> str: return chr(x) """ ast = compiler.parse(source_code) code = compiler.compile(ast) code = code.compile() f = code.term # UPLC lambdas may only take one argument at a time, so we evaluate by repeatedly applying try: i_unicode = chr(i).encode("utf8") except (ValueError, OverflowError): i_unicode = None try: for d in [uplc.PlutusInteger(i)]: f = uplc.Apply(f, d) ret = uplc_eval(f).value except Exception as e: ret = None self.assertEqual(ret, i_unicode, "chr returned wrong value") @given(x=st.integers()) @example(0) @example(-1) @example(100) def test_hex(self, x): # this tests that errors that are caused by assignments are actually triggered at the time of assigning source_code = """ def validator(x: int) -> str: return hex(x) """ ast = compiler.parse(source_code) code = compiler.compile(ast) code = code.compile() f = code.term # UPLC lambdas may only take one argument at a time, so we evaluate by repeatedly applying for d in [uplc.PlutusInteger(x)]: f = uplc.Apply(f, d) ret = uplc_eval(f).value.decode("utf8") self.assertEqual(ret, hex(x), "hex returned wrong value") @unittest.skip("Integer stripping is currently broken") @given(xs=st.one_of(st.builds(lambda x: str(x), st.integers()), st.text())) @example("") @example("10_00") @example("_") @example("_1") @example("0\n") def test_int_string(self, xs: str): # this tests that errors that are caused by assignments are actually triggered at the time of assigning source_code = """ def validator(x: str) -> int: return int(x) """ ast = compiler.parse(source_code) code = compiler.compile(ast) code = code.compile() f = code.term try: exp = int(xs) except ValueError: exp = None try: for d in [uplc.PlutusByteString(xs.encode("utf8"))]: f = uplc.Apply(f, d) ret = uplc_eval(f).value except: ret = None self.assertEqual(ret, exp, "str (integer) returned wrong value") @parameterized.parameterized.expand( ["10_00", "00", "_", "_1", "-10238", "19293812983721837981", "jakjsdh"] ) def test_int_string(self, xs: str): # this tests that errors that are caused by assignments are actually triggered at the time of assigning source_code = """ def validator(x: str) -> int: return int(x) """ ast = compiler.parse(source_code) code = compiler.compile(ast) code = code.compile() f = code.term try: exp = int(xs) except ValueError: exp = None try: for d in [uplc.PlutusByteString(xs.encode("utf8"))]: f = uplc.Apply(f, d) ret = uplc_eval(f).value except: ret = None self.assertEqual(ret, exp, "str (integer) returned wrong value") @given(i=st.binary()) def test_len_bytestring(self, i): # this tests that errors that are caused by assignments are actually triggered at the time of assigning source_code = """ def validator(x: bytes) -> int: return len(x) """ ast = compiler.parse(source_code) code = compiler.compile(ast) code = code.compile() f = code.term # UPLC lambdas may only take one argument at a time, so we evaluate by repeatedly applying for d in [uplc.PlutusByteString(i)]: f = uplc.Apply(f, d) ret = uplc_eval(f).value self.assertEqual(ret, len(i), "len (bytestring) returned wrong value") @given(xs=st.lists(st.integers())) def test_len_lists(self, xs): # this tests that errors that are caused by assignments are actually triggered at the time of assigning source_code = """ def validator(x: List[int]) -> int: return len(x) """ ast = compiler.parse(source_code) code = compiler.compile(ast) code = code.compile() f = code.term # UPLC lambdas may only take one argument at a time, so we evaluate by repeatedly applying for d in [uplc.PlutusList([uplc.PlutusInteger(x) for x in xs])]: f = uplc.Apply(f, d) ret = uplc_eval(f).value self.assertEqual(ret, len(xs), "len returned wrong value") @given(xs=st.lists(st.integers())) def test_max(self, xs): # this tests that errors that are caused by assignments are actually triggered at the time of assigning source_code = """ def validator(x: List[int]) -> int: return max(x) """ ast = compiler.parse(source_code) code = compiler.compile(ast) code = code.compile() try: exp = max(xs) except ValueError: exp = None try: f = code.term # UPLC lambdas may only take one argument at a time, so we evaluate by repeatedly applying for d in [uplc.PlutusList([uplc.PlutusInteger(int(x)) for x in xs])]: f = uplc.Apply(f, d) ret = uplc_eval(f).value except: ret = None self.assertEqual(ret, exp, "max returned wrong value") @given(xs=st.lists(st.integers())) def test_min(self, xs): # this tests that errors that are caused by assignments are actually triggered at the time of assigning source_code = """ def validator(x: List[int]) -> int: return min(x) """ ast = compiler.parse(source_code) code = compiler.compile(ast) code = code.compile() try: exp = min(xs) except ValueError: exp = None try: f = code.term # UPLC lambdas may only take one argument at a time, so we evaluate by repeatedly applying for d in [uplc.PlutusList([uplc.PlutusInteger(int(x)) for x in xs])]: f = uplc.Apply(f, d) ret = uplc_eval(f).value except: ret = None self.assertEqual(ret, exp, "min returned wrong value") @given(x=st.integers(), y=st.integers(min_value=0, max_value=20)) def test_pow(self, x: int, y: int): source_code = """ def validator(x: int, y: int) -> int: return pow(x, y) % 10000000000 """ ast = compiler.parse(source_code) code = compiler.compile(ast) code = code.compile() f = code.term try: exp = pow(x, y) % 10000000000 except ValueError: exp = None try: for d in [uplc.PlutusInteger(x), uplc.PlutusInteger(y)]: f = uplc.Apply(f, d) ret = uplc_eval(f).value except: ret = None self.assertEqual(ret, exp, "pow returned wrong value") @given(x=st.integers()) @example(0) @example(-1) @example(100) def test_oct(self, x): # this tests that errors that are caused by assignments are actually triggered at the time of assigning source_code = """ def validator(x: int) -> str: return oct(x) """ ast = compiler.parse(source_code) code = compiler.compile(ast) code = code.compile() f = code.term # UPLC lambdas may only take one argument at a time, so we evaluate by repeatedly applying for d in [uplc.PlutusInteger(x)]: f = uplc.Apply(f, d) ret = uplc_eval(f).value.decode("utf8") self.assertEqual(ret, oct(x), "oct returned wrong value") @given(i=st.integers(max_value=100)) def test_range(self, i): # this tests that errors that are caused by assignments are actually triggered at the time of assigning source_code = """ def validator(x: int) -> List[int]: return range(x) """ ast = compiler.parse(source_code) code = compiler.compile(ast) code = code.compile() f = code.term # UPLC lambdas may only take one argument at a time, so we evaluate by repeatedly applying for d in [uplc.PlutusInteger(i)]: f = uplc.Apply(f, d) ret = [x.value for x in uplc_eval(f).value] self.assertEqual(ret, list(range(i)), "sum returned wrong value") @given(x=st.integers()) @example(0) @example(-1) @example(100) def test_str_int(self, x): # this tests that errors that are caused by assignments are actually triggered at the time of assigning source_code = """ def validator(x: int) -> str: return str(x) """ ast = compiler.parse(source_code) code = compiler.compile(ast) code = code.compile() f = code.term # UPLC lambdas may only take one argument at a time, so we evaluate by repeatedly applying for d in [uplc.PlutusInteger(x)]: f = uplc.Apply(f, d) ret = uplc_eval(f).value.decode("utf8") self.assertEqual(ret, str(x), "str returned wrong value") @given(xs=st.lists(st.integers())) def test_sum(self, xs): # this tests that errors that are caused by assignments are actually triggered at the time of assigning source_code = """ def validator(x: List[int]) -> int: return sum(x) """ ast = compiler.parse(source_code) code = compiler.compile(ast) code = code.compile() f = code.term # UPLC lambdas may only take one argument at a time, so we evaluate by repeatedly applying for d in [uplc.PlutusList([uplc.PlutusInteger(x) for x in xs])]: f = uplc.Apply(f, d) ret = uplc_eval(f).value self.assertEqual(ret, sum(xs), "sum returned wrong value") @given(xs=st.lists(st.integers())) def test_reversed(self, xs): # this tests that errors that are caused by assignments are actually triggered at the time of assigning source_code = """ def validator(x: List[int]) -> List[int]: return reversed(x) """ ast = compiler.parse(source_code) code = compiler.compile(ast) code = code.compile() f = code.term # UPLC lambdas may only take one argument at a time, so we evaluate by repeatedly applying for d in [uplc.PlutusList([uplc.PlutusInteger(x) for x in xs])]: f = uplc.Apply(f, d) ret = [x.value for x in uplc_eval(f).value] self.assertEqual(ret, list(reversed(xs)), "reversed returned wrong value") @given(x=st.integers()) def test_bool_constr_int(self, x): # this tests that errors that are caused by assignments are actually triggered at the time of assigning source_code = """ def validator(x: int) -> bool: return bool(x) """ ast = compiler.parse(source_code) code = compiler.compile(ast) code = code.compile() f = code.term # UPLC lambdas may only take one argument at a time, so we evaluate by repeatedly applying for d in [uplc.PlutusInteger(x)]: f = uplc.Apply(f, d) ret = bool(uplc_eval(f).value) self.assertEqual(ret, bool(x), "reversed returned wrong value")
Class variables
var test_int_string
def test_abs(self) ‑> None
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@given(i=st.integers()) def test_abs(self, i): # this tests that errors that are caused by assignments are actually triggered at the time of assigning source_code = """ def validator(x: int) -> int: return abs(x) """ ast = compiler.parse(source_code) code = compiler.compile(ast) code = code.compile() f = code.term # UPLC lambdas may only take one argument at a time, so we evaluate by repeatedly applying try: for d in [uplc.PlutusInteger(i)]: f = uplc.Apply(f, d) ret = uplc_eval(f).value except Exception as e: ret = None self.assertEqual(ret, abs(i), "abs returned wrong value")
def test_all(self) ‑> None
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@given(xs=st.lists(st.booleans())) def test_all(self, xs): # this tests that errors that are caused by assignments are actually triggered at the time of assigning source_code = """ def validator(x: List[bool]) -> bool: return all(x) """ ast = compiler.parse(source_code) code = compiler.compile(ast) code = code.compile() f = code.term # UPLC lambdas may only take one argument at a time, so we evaluate by repeatedly applying for d in [uplc.PlutusList([uplc.PlutusInteger(int(x)) for x in xs])]: f = uplc.Apply(f, d) ret = bool(uplc_eval(f).value) self.assertEqual(ret, all(xs), "all returned wrong value")
def test_any(self) ‑> None
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@given(xs=st.lists(st.booleans())) def test_any(self, xs): # this tests that errors that are caused by assignments are actually triggered at the time of assigning source_code = """ def validator(x: List[bool]) -> bool: return any(x) """ ast = compiler.parse(source_code) code = compiler.compile(ast) code = code.compile() f = code.term # UPLC lambdas may only take one argument at a time, so we evaluate by repeatedly applying for d in [uplc.PlutusList([uplc.PlutusInteger(int(x)) for x in xs])]: f = uplc.Apply(f, d) ret = bool(uplc_eval(f).value) self.assertEqual(ret, any(xs), "any returned wrong value")
def test_bool_constr_int(self) ‑> None
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@given(x=st.integers()) def test_bool_constr_int(self, x): # this tests that errors that are caused by assignments are actually triggered at the time of assigning source_code = """ def validator(x: int) -> bool: return bool(x) """ ast = compiler.parse(source_code) code = compiler.compile(ast) code = code.compile() f = code.term # UPLC lambdas may only take one argument at a time, so we evaluate by repeatedly applying for d in [uplc.PlutusInteger(x)]: f = uplc.Apply(f, d) ret = bool(uplc_eval(f).value) self.assertEqual(ret, bool(x), "reversed returned wrong value")
def test_bytes_int_list(self) ‑> None
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@given( xs=st.one_of( st.lists(st.integers()), st.lists(st.integers(min_value=0, max_value=255)) ) ) def test_bytes_int_list(self, xs): # this tests that errors that are caused by assignments are actually triggered at the time of assigning source_code = """ def validator(x: List[int]) -> bytes: return bytes(x) """ ast = compiler.parse(source_code) code = compiler.compile(ast) code = code.compile() f = code.term try: exp = bytes(xs) except ValueError: exp = None try: for d in [uplc.PlutusList([uplc.PlutusInteger(x) for x in xs])]: f = uplc.Apply(f, d) ret = uplc_eval(f).value except: ret = None self.assertEqual(ret, exp, "bytes (integer list) returned wrong value")
def test_chr(self) ‑> None
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@given(i=st.integers()) @example(256) @example(0) def test_chr(self, i): # this tests that errors that are caused by assignments are actually triggered at the time of assigning source_code = """ def validator(x: int) -> str: return chr(x) """ ast = compiler.parse(source_code) code = compiler.compile(ast) code = code.compile() f = code.term # UPLC lambdas may only take one argument at a time, so we evaluate by repeatedly applying try: i_unicode = chr(i).encode("utf8") except (ValueError, OverflowError): i_unicode = None try: for d in [uplc.PlutusInteger(i)]: f = uplc.Apply(f, d) ret = uplc_eval(f).value except Exception as e: ret = None self.assertEqual(ret, i_unicode, "chr returned wrong value")
def test_hex(self) ‑> None
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@given(x=st.integers()) @example(0) @example(-1) @example(100) def test_hex(self, x): # this tests that errors that are caused by assignments are actually triggered at the time of assigning source_code = """ def validator(x: int) -> str: return hex(x) """ ast = compiler.parse(source_code) code = compiler.compile(ast) code = code.compile() f = code.term # UPLC lambdas may only take one argument at a time, so we evaluate by repeatedly applying for d in [uplc.PlutusInteger(x)]: f = uplc.Apply(f, d) ret = uplc_eval(f).value.decode("utf8") self.assertEqual(ret, hex(x), "hex returned wrong value")
def test_int_string_0_10_00(*a, **kw)
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@wraps(func) def standalone_func(*a, **kw): return func(*(a + p.args), **p.kwargs, **kw)
def test_int_string_1_00(*a, **kw)
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@wraps(func) def standalone_func(*a, **kw): return func(*(a + p.args), **p.kwargs, **kw)
def test_int_string_2__(*a, **kw)
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@wraps(func) def standalone_func(*a, **kw): return func(*(a + p.args), **p.kwargs, **kw)
def test_int_string_3__1(*a, **kw)
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@wraps(func) def standalone_func(*a, **kw): return func(*(a + p.args), **p.kwargs, **kw)
def test_int_string_4__10238(*a, **kw)
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@wraps(func) def standalone_func(*a, **kw): return func(*(a + p.args), **p.kwargs, **kw)
def test_int_string_5_19293812983721837981(*a, **kw)
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@wraps(func) def standalone_func(*a, **kw): return func(*(a + p.args), **p.kwargs, **kw)
def test_int_string_6_jakjsdh(*a, **kw)
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@wraps(func) def standalone_func(*a, **kw): return func(*(a + p.args), **p.kwargs, **kw)
def test_len_bytestring(self) ‑> None
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@given(i=st.binary()) def test_len_bytestring(self, i): # this tests that errors that are caused by assignments are actually triggered at the time of assigning source_code = """ def validator(x: bytes) -> int: return len(x) """ ast = compiler.parse(source_code) code = compiler.compile(ast) code = code.compile() f = code.term # UPLC lambdas may only take one argument at a time, so we evaluate by repeatedly applying for d in [uplc.PlutusByteString(i)]: f = uplc.Apply(f, d) ret = uplc_eval(f).value self.assertEqual(ret, len(i), "len (bytestring) returned wrong value")
def test_len_lists(self) ‑> None
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@given(xs=st.lists(st.integers())) def test_len_lists(self, xs): # this tests that errors that are caused by assignments are actually triggered at the time of assigning source_code = """ def validator(x: List[int]) -> int: return len(x) """ ast = compiler.parse(source_code) code = compiler.compile(ast) code = code.compile() f = code.term # UPLC lambdas may only take one argument at a time, so we evaluate by repeatedly applying for d in [uplc.PlutusList([uplc.PlutusInteger(x) for x in xs])]: f = uplc.Apply(f, d) ret = uplc_eval(f).value self.assertEqual(ret, len(xs), "len returned wrong value")
def test_max(self) ‑> None
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@given(xs=st.lists(st.integers())) def test_max(self, xs): # this tests that errors that are caused by assignments are actually triggered at the time of assigning source_code = """ def validator(x: List[int]) -> int: return max(x) """ ast = compiler.parse(source_code) code = compiler.compile(ast) code = code.compile() try: exp = max(xs) except ValueError: exp = None try: f = code.term # UPLC lambdas may only take one argument at a time, so we evaluate by repeatedly applying for d in [uplc.PlutusList([uplc.PlutusInteger(int(x)) for x in xs])]: f = uplc.Apply(f, d) ret = uplc_eval(f).value except: ret = None self.assertEqual(ret, exp, "max returned wrong value")
def test_min(self) ‑> None
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@given(xs=st.lists(st.integers())) def test_min(self, xs): # this tests that errors that are caused by assignments are actually triggered at the time of assigning source_code = """ def validator(x: List[int]) -> int: return min(x) """ ast = compiler.parse(source_code) code = compiler.compile(ast) code = code.compile() try: exp = min(xs) except ValueError: exp = None try: f = code.term # UPLC lambdas may only take one argument at a time, so we evaluate by repeatedly applying for d in [uplc.PlutusList([uplc.PlutusInteger(int(x)) for x in xs])]: f = uplc.Apply(f, d) ret = uplc_eval(f).value except: ret = None self.assertEqual(ret, exp, "min returned wrong value")
def test_oct(self) ‑> None
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@given(x=st.integers()) @example(0) @example(-1) @example(100) def test_oct(self, x): # this tests that errors that are caused by assignments are actually triggered at the time of assigning source_code = """ def validator(x: int) -> str: return oct(x) """ ast = compiler.parse(source_code) code = compiler.compile(ast) code = code.compile() f = code.term # UPLC lambdas may only take one argument at a time, so we evaluate by repeatedly applying for d in [uplc.PlutusInteger(x)]: f = uplc.Apply(f, d) ret = uplc_eval(f).value.decode("utf8") self.assertEqual(ret, oct(x), "oct returned wrong value")
def test_pow(self) ‑> None
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@given(x=st.integers(), y=st.integers(min_value=0, max_value=20)) def test_pow(self, x: int, y: int): source_code = """ def validator(x: int, y: int) -> int: return pow(x, y) % 10000000000 """ ast = compiler.parse(source_code) code = compiler.compile(ast) code = code.compile() f = code.term try: exp = pow(x, y) % 10000000000 except ValueError: exp = None try: for d in [uplc.PlutusInteger(x), uplc.PlutusInteger(y)]: f = uplc.Apply(f, d) ret = uplc_eval(f).value except: ret = None self.assertEqual(ret, exp, "pow returned wrong value")
def test_range(self) ‑> None
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@given(i=st.integers(max_value=100)) def test_range(self, i): # this tests that errors that are caused by assignments are actually triggered at the time of assigning source_code = """ def validator(x: int) -> List[int]: return range(x) """ ast = compiler.parse(source_code) code = compiler.compile(ast) code = code.compile() f = code.term # UPLC lambdas may only take one argument at a time, so we evaluate by repeatedly applying for d in [uplc.PlutusInteger(i)]: f = uplc.Apply(f, d) ret = [x.value for x in uplc_eval(f).value] self.assertEqual(ret, list(range(i)), "sum returned wrong value")
def test_reversed(self) ‑> None
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@given(xs=st.lists(st.integers())) def test_reversed(self, xs): # this tests that errors that are caused by assignments are actually triggered at the time of assigning source_code = """ def validator(x: List[int]) -> List[int]: return reversed(x) """ ast = compiler.parse(source_code) code = compiler.compile(ast) code = code.compile() f = code.term # UPLC lambdas may only take one argument at a time, so we evaluate by repeatedly applying for d in [uplc.PlutusList([uplc.PlutusInteger(x) for x in xs])]: f = uplc.Apply(f, d) ret = [x.value for x in uplc_eval(f).value] self.assertEqual(ret, list(reversed(xs)), "reversed returned wrong value")
def test_str_int(self) ‑> None
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@given(x=st.integers()) @example(0) @example(-1) @example(100) def test_str_int(self, x): # this tests that errors that are caused by assignments are actually triggered at the time of assigning source_code = """ def validator(x: int) -> str: return str(x) """ ast = compiler.parse(source_code) code = compiler.compile(ast) code = code.compile() f = code.term # UPLC lambdas may only take one argument at a time, so we evaluate by repeatedly applying for d in [uplc.PlutusInteger(x)]: f = uplc.Apply(f, d) ret = uplc_eval(f).value.decode("utf8") self.assertEqual(ret, str(x), "str returned wrong value")
def test_sum(self) ‑> None
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@given(xs=st.lists(st.integers())) def test_sum(self, xs): # this tests that errors that are caused by assignments are actually triggered at the time of assigning source_code = """ def validator(x: List[int]) -> int: return sum(x) """ ast = compiler.parse(source_code) code = compiler.compile(ast) code = code.compile() f = code.term # UPLC lambdas may only take one argument at a time, so we evaluate by repeatedly applying for d in [uplc.PlutusList([uplc.PlutusInteger(x) for x in xs])]: f = uplc.Apply(f, d) ret = uplc_eval(f).value self.assertEqual(ret, sum(xs), "sum returned wrong value")