Module hebi.ledger.api_v2
The PlutusV2 ledger API
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The PlutusV2 ledger API
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Dict, List, Union
from pycardano import Datum as Anything, PlutusData
# Plutus V2
class TxId(PlutusData):
A transaction id, a 64 bytes long hash of the transaction body (also called transaction hash).
Example value: TxId(bytes.fromhex("842a4d37b036da6ab3c04331240e67d81746beb44f23ad79703e026705361956"))
tx_id: bytes
class Nothing(PlutusData):
Nothing, can be used to signify non-importance of a parameter to a function
Example value: Nothing()
# The maximimum constructor ID for simple cbor types, chosen to minimize probability of collision while keeping the corresponding cbor small
class TrueData(PlutusData):
A Datum that represents True in Haskell implementations.
It is thus used as an encoding for True in the ScriptContext.
Example value: TrueData()
class FalseData(PlutusData):
A Datum that represents False in Haskell implementations.
It is thus used as an encoding for False in the ScriptContext.
Example value: FalseData()
# A Datum that represents a boolean value in Haskell implementations.
# It is thus used as an encoding for booleans in the ScriptContext.
# Example value: TrueData()
BoolData = Union[TrueData, FalseData]
class TxOutRef(PlutusData):
A reference to a transaction output (hash/id + index)
id: TxId
idx: int
# A public key hash, used to identify signatures provided by a wallet
PubKeyHash = bytes
class PubKeyCredential(PlutusData):
Part of an address that is authenticated by a public key hash
Example value: PubKeyCredential(bytes.fromhex("c06ddaad12fc4ded18e56feac72957c1aa75fce6096b40e63ec88274"))
credential_hash: PubKeyHash
# A validator hash, used to identify signatures provided by a smart contract
ValidatorHash = bytes
class ScriptCredential(PlutusData):
Part of an address that is authenticated by a smart cotnract
Example value: ScriptCredential(bytes.fromhex("c06ddaad12fc4ded18e56feac72957c1aa75fce6096b40e63ec88274"))
credential_hash: ValidatorHash
# A credential, either smart contract or public key hash
Credential = Union[PubKeyCredential, ScriptCredential]
class StakingHash(PlutusData):
Indicates that the stake of this address is controlled by the associated credential
value: Credential
class StakingPtr(PlutusData):
Indicates that the stake of this address is controlled by the associated pointer.
In an address, a chain pointer refers to a point of the chain containing a stake key registration certificate.
A point is identified by the 3 coordinates in this object.
# an absolute slot number
slot_no: int
# a transaction index (within that slot)
tx_index: int
# a (delegation) certificate index (within that transaction)
cert_index: int
# Part of an address that controls who can delegate the stake associated with an address
StakingCredential = Union[StakingHash, StakingPtr]
class NoStakingCredential(PlutusData):
Indicates that this address has no staking credentials.
Its funds can not be delegated.
class SomeStakingCredential(PlutusData):
Indicates that this address has staking credentials.
Its funds can be delegated by the credentialed user.
staking_credential: StakingCredential
class Address(PlutusData):
A Shelley address, consisting of a payment and staking credential
payment_credential: Credential
staking_credential: Union[NoStakingCredential, SomeStakingCredential]
# The policy Id of a token
PolicyId = bytes
# The name of a token in bytes (not textual representation!)
TokenName = bytes
# The Plutus representation of amounts of tokens being spent, sent or minted
# It is a two-layered dictionary that stores for each policy id and token name
# the amount of the token that is being sent/minted/burned etc
# Lovelace is represented with policy id b"" and token name b""
Value = Dict[PolicyId, Dict[TokenName, int]]
# A hash of a Datum
DatumHash = bytes
class SomeDatumHash(PlutusData):
Indicates that there is a datum associated with this output, which has the given hash.
datum_hash: DatumHash
class SomeScriptHash(PlutusData):
Indicates that there is a script associated with this output, which has the given hash.
script_hash: DatumHash
# The abstract super type of any object in opshin.
# Use if you don't know what kind of object is being passed or if it doesn't matter.
BuiltinData = Anything
# An abstract type annotation that something is supposed to be used as a redeemer.
Redeemer = BuiltinData
# An abstract type annotation that something is supposed to be used as a datum.
Datum = BuiltinData
class NoOutputDatum(PlutusData):
Indicates that there is no datum associated with an output
class SomeOutputDatumHash(PlutusData):
Indicates that there is an datum associated with an output, which has the attached hash
datum_hash: DatumHash
class SomeOutputDatum(PlutusData):
Indicates that there is an datum associated with an output, which is inlined and equal to the attached datum
datum: Datum
# Possible cases of datum association with an output
OutputDatum = Union[NoOutputDatum, SomeOutputDatumHash, SomeOutputDatum]
class NoScriptHash(PlutusData):
Indicates that there is no script associated with an output
class TxOut(PlutusData):
The plutus representation of an transaction output, consisting of
- address: address owning this output
- value: tokens associated with this output
- datum: datum associated with this output
- reference_script: reference script associated with this output
address: Address
value: Value
datum: OutputDatum
reference_script: Union[NoScriptHash, SomeScriptHash]
class TxInInfo(PlutusData):
The plutus representation of an transaction output, that is consumed by the transaction.
out_ref: TxOutRef
resolved: TxOut
class DCertDelegRegKey(PlutusData):
value: StakingCredential
class DCertDelegDeRegKey(PlutusData):
value: StakingCredential
class DCertDelegDelegate(PlutusData):
delegator: StakingCredential
delegatee: PubKeyHash
class DCertPoolRegister(PlutusData):
pool_id: PubKeyHash
pool_vfr: PubKeyHash
class DCertPoolRetire(PlutusData):
retirement_certificate: PubKeyHash
epoch: int
class DCertGenesis(PlutusData):
class DCertMir(PlutusData):
DCert = Union[
POSIXTime = int
class NegInfPOSIXTime(PlutusData):
Negative infinite POSIX time, used to indicate that there is no lower bound for the execution of this transaction
class FinitePOSIXTime(PlutusData):
Finite POSIX time, used to indicate that there is a lower or upper bound for the execution of this transaction
time: POSIXTime
class PosInfPOSIXTime(PlutusData):
Infinite POSIX time, used to indicate that there is no upper bound for the execution of this transaction
ExtendedPOSIXTime = Union[NegInfPOSIXTime, FinitePOSIXTime, PosInfPOSIXTime]
class UpperBoundPOSIXTime(PlutusData):
Upper bound for the execution of this transaction
limit: ExtendedPOSIXTime
closed: BoolData
class LowerBoundPOSIXTime(PlutusData):
Lower bound for the execution of this transaction
limit: ExtendedPOSIXTime
closed: BoolData
class POSIXTimeRange(PlutusData):
Time range in which this transaction can be executed
lower_bound: LowerBoundPOSIXTime
upper_bound: UpperBoundPOSIXTime
class Minting(PlutusData):
Script purpose indicating that the given policy id is being minted or burned
policy_id: PolicyId
class Spending(PlutusData):
Script purpose indicating that the given transaction output is being spent, which is
owned by the invoked contract
tx_out_ref: TxOutRef
class Rewarding(PlutusData):
staking_credential: StakingCredential
class Certifying(PlutusData):
d_cert: DCert
# The reason that this script is being invoked
ScriptPurpose = Union[Minting, Spending, Rewarding, Certifying]
class TxInfo(PlutusData):
A complex agglomeration of everything that could be of interest to the executed script, regarding the transaction
that invoked the script
inputs: List[TxInInfo]
reference_inputs: List[TxInInfo]
outputs: List[TxOut]
fee: Value
mint: Value
dcert: List[DCert]
wdrl: Dict[StakingCredential, int]
valid_range: POSIXTimeRange
signatories: List[PubKeyHash]
redeemers: Dict[ScriptPurpose, Redeemer]
data: Dict[DatumHash, Datum]
id: TxId
class ScriptContext(PlutusData):
Auxiliary information about the transaction and reason for invocation of the called script.
tx_info: TxInfo
purpose: ScriptPurpose
class Address (payment_credential: Union[PubKeyCredential, ScriptCredential], staking_credential: Union[NoStakingCredential, SomeStakingCredential])
A Shelley address, consisting of a payment and staking credential
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class Address(PlutusData): """ A Shelley address, consisting of a payment and staking credential """ payment_credential: Credential staking_credential: Union[NoStakingCredential, SomeStakingCredential]
- pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
- pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
- pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable
Class variables
var payment_credential : Union[PubKeyCredential, ScriptCredential]
var staking_credential : Union[NoStakingCredential, SomeStakingCredential]
class Certifying (d_cert: Union[DCertDelegRegKey, DCertDelegDeRegKey, DCertDelegDelegate, DCertPoolRegister, DCertPoolRetire, DCertGenesis, DCertMir])
Certifying(d_cert: Union[hebi.ledger.api_v2.DCertDelegRegKey, hebi.ledger.api_v2.DCertDelegDeRegKey, hebi.ledger.api_v2.DCertDelegDelegate, hebi.ledger.api_v2.DCertPoolRegister, hebi.ledger.api_v2.DCertPoolRetire, hebi.ledger.api_v2.DCertGenesis, hebi.ledger.api_v2.DCertMir])
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class Certifying(PlutusData): CONSTR_ID = 3 d_cert: DCert
- pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
- pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
- pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable
Class variables
var CONSTR_ID : ClassVar[int]
var d_cert : Union[DCertDelegRegKey, DCertDelegDeRegKey, DCertDelegDelegate, DCertPoolRegister, DCertPoolRetire, DCertGenesis, DCertMir]
class DCertDelegDeRegKey (value: Union[StakingHash, StakingPtr])
DCertDelegDeRegKey(value: Union[hebi.ledger.api_v2.StakingHash, hebi.ledger.api_v2.StakingPtr])
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class DCertDelegDeRegKey(PlutusData): CONSTR_ID = 1 value: StakingCredential
- pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
- pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
- pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable
Class variables
var CONSTR_ID : ClassVar[int]
var value : Union[StakingHash, StakingPtr]
class DCertDelegDelegate (delegator: Union[StakingHash, StakingPtr], delegatee: bytes)
DCertDelegDelegate(delegator: Union[hebi.ledger.api_v2.StakingHash, hebi.ledger.api_v2.StakingPtr], delegatee: bytes)
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class DCertDelegDelegate(PlutusData): CONSTR_ID = 2 delegator: StakingCredential delegatee: PubKeyHash
- pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
- pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
- pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable
Class variables
var CONSTR_ID : ClassVar[int]
var delegatee : bytes
var delegator : Union[StakingHash, StakingPtr]
class DCertDelegRegKey (value: Union[StakingHash, StakingPtr])
DCertDelegRegKey(value: Union[hebi.ledger.api_v2.StakingHash, hebi.ledger.api_v2.StakingPtr])
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class DCertDelegRegKey(PlutusData): CONSTR_ID = 0 value: StakingCredential
- pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
- pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
- pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable
Class variables
var CONSTR_ID : ClassVar[int]
var value : Union[StakingHash, StakingPtr]
class DCertGenesis
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class DCertGenesis(PlutusData): CONSTR_ID = 5
- pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
- pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
- pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable
Class variables
var CONSTR_ID : ClassVar[int]
class DCertMir
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class DCertMir(PlutusData): CONSTR_ID = 6
- pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
- pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
- pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable
Class variables
var CONSTR_ID : ClassVar[int]
class DCertPoolRegister (pool_id: bytes, pool_vfr: bytes)
DCertPoolRegister(pool_id: bytes, pool_vfr: bytes)
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class DCertPoolRegister(PlutusData): CONSTR_ID = 3 pool_id: PubKeyHash pool_vfr: PubKeyHash
- pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
- pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
- pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable
Class variables
var CONSTR_ID : ClassVar[int]
var pool_id : bytes
var pool_vfr : bytes
class DCertPoolRetire (retirement_certificate: bytes, epoch: int)
DCertPoolRetire(retirement_certificate: bytes, epoch: int)
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class DCertPoolRetire(PlutusData): CONSTR_ID = 4 retirement_certificate: PubKeyHash epoch: int
- pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
- pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
- pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable
Class variables
var CONSTR_ID : ClassVar[int]
var epoch : int
var retirement_certificate : bytes
class FalseData
A Datum that represents False in Haskell implementations. It is thus used as an encoding for False in the ScriptContext.
Example value: FalseData()
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class FalseData(PlutusData): """ A Datum that represents False in Haskell implementations. It is thus used as an encoding for False in the ScriptContext. Example value: FalseData() """ CONSTR_ID = 1
- pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
- pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
- pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable
Class variables
var CONSTR_ID : ClassVar[int]
class FinitePOSIXTime (time: int)
Finite POSIX time, used to indicate that there is a lower or upper bound for the execution of this transaction
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class FinitePOSIXTime(PlutusData): """ Finite POSIX time, used to indicate that there is a lower or upper bound for the execution of this transaction """ CONSTR_ID = 1 time: POSIXTime
- pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
- pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
- pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable
Class variables
var CONSTR_ID : ClassVar[int]
var time : int
class LowerBoundPOSIXTime (limit: Union[NegInfPOSIXTime, FinitePOSIXTime, PosInfPOSIXTime], closed: Union[TrueData, FalseData])
Lower bound for the execution of this transaction
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class LowerBoundPOSIXTime(PlutusData): """ Lower bound for the execution of this transaction """ CONSTR_ID = 0 limit: ExtendedPOSIXTime closed: BoolData
- pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
- pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
- pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable
Class variables
var CONSTR_ID : ClassVar[int]
var closed : Union[TrueData, FalseData]
var limit : Union[NegInfPOSIXTime, FinitePOSIXTime, PosInfPOSIXTime]
class Minting (policy_id: bytes)
Script purpose indicating that the given policy id is being minted or burned
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class Minting(PlutusData): """ Script purpose indicating that the given policy id is being minted or burned """ CONSTR_ID = 0 policy_id: PolicyId
- pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
- pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
- pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable
Class variables
var CONSTR_ID : ClassVar[int]
var policy_id : bytes
class NegInfPOSIXTime
Negative infinite POSIX time, used to indicate that there is no lower bound for the execution of this transaction
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class NegInfPOSIXTime(PlutusData): """ Negative infinite POSIX time, used to indicate that there is no lower bound for the execution of this transaction """ CONSTR_ID = 0
- pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
- pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
- pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable
Class variables
var CONSTR_ID : ClassVar[int]
class NoOutputDatum
Indicates that there is no datum associated with an output
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class NoOutputDatum(PlutusData): """ Indicates that there is no datum associated with an output """ CONSTR_ID = 0
- pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
- pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
- pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable
Class variables
var CONSTR_ID : ClassVar[int]
class NoScriptHash
Indicates that there is no script associated with an output
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class NoScriptHash(PlutusData): """ Indicates that there is no script associated with an output """ CONSTR_ID = 1
- pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
- pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
- pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable
Class variables
var CONSTR_ID : ClassVar[int]
class NoStakingCredential
Indicates that this address has no staking credentials. Its funds can not be delegated.
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class NoStakingCredential(PlutusData): """ Indicates that this address has no staking credentials. Its funds can not be delegated. """ CONSTR_ID = 1
- pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
- pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
- pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable
Class variables
var CONSTR_ID : ClassVar[int]
class Nothing
Nothing, can be used to signify non-importance of a parameter to a function
Example value: Nothing()
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class Nothing(PlutusData): """ Nothing, can be used to signify non-importance of a parameter to a function Example value: Nothing() """ # The maximimum constructor ID for simple cbor types, chosen to minimize probability of collision while keeping the corresponding cbor small CONSTR_ID = 6
- pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
- pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
- pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable
Class variables
var CONSTR_ID : ClassVar[int]
class POSIXTimeRange (lower_bound: LowerBoundPOSIXTime, upper_bound: UpperBoundPOSIXTime)
Time range in which this transaction can be executed
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class POSIXTimeRange(PlutusData): """ Time range in which this transaction can be executed """ lower_bound: LowerBoundPOSIXTime upper_bound: UpperBoundPOSIXTime
- pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
- pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
- pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable
Class variables
var lower_bound : LowerBoundPOSIXTime
var upper_bound : UpperBoundPOSIXTime
class PosInfPOSIXTime
Infinite POSIX time, used to indicate that there is no upper bound for the execution of this transaction
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class PosInfPOSIXTime(PlutusData): """ Infinite POSIX time, used to indicate that there is no upper bound for the execution of this transaction """ CONSTR_ID = 2
- pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
- pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
- pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable
Class variables
var CONSTR_ID : ClassVar[int]
class PubKeyCredential (credential_hash: bytes)
Part of an address that is authenticated by a public key hash
Example value: PubKeyCredential(bytes.fromhex("c06ddaad12fc4ded18e56feac72957c1aa75fce6096b40e63ec88274"))
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class PubKeyCredential(PlutusData): """ Part of an address that is authenticated by a public key hash Example value: PubKeyCredential(bytes.fromhex("c06ddaad12fc4ded18e56feac72957c1aa75fce6096b40e63ec88274")) """ CONSTR_ID = 0 credential_hash: PubKeyHash
- pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
- pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
- pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable
Class variables
var CONSTR_ID : ClassVar[int]
var credential_hash : bytes
class Rewarding (staking_credential: Union[StakingHash, StakingPtr])
Rewarding(staking_credential: Union[hebi.ledger.api_v2.StakingHash, hebi.ledger.api_v2.StakingPtr])
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class Rewarding(PlutusData): CONSTR_ID = 2 staking_credential: StakingCredential
- pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
- pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
- pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable
Class variables
var CONSTR_ID : ClassVar[int]
var staking_credential : Union[StakingHash, StakingPtr]
class ScriptContext (tx_info: TxInfo, purpose: Union[Minting, Spending, Rewarding, Certifying])
Auxiliary information about the transaction and reason for invocation of the called script.
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class ScriptContext(PlutusData): """ Auxiliary information about the transaction and reason for invocation of the called script. """ tx_info: TxInfo purpose: ScriptPurpose
- pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
- pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
- pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable
Class variables
var purpose : Union[Minting, Spending, Rewarding, Certifying]
var tx_info : TxInfo
class ScriptCredential (credential_hash: bytes)
Part of an address that is authenticated by a smart cotnract
Example value: ScriptCredential(bytes.fromhex("c06ddaad12fc4ded18e56feac72957c1aa75fce6096b40e63ec88274"))
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class ScriptCredential(PlutusData): """ Part of an address that is authenticated by a smart cotnract Example value: ScriptCredential(bytes.fromhex("c06ddaad12fc4ded18e56feac72957c1aa75fce6096b40e63ec88274")) """ CONSTR_ID = 1 credential_hash: ValidatorHash
- pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
- pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
- pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable
Class variables
var CONSTR_ID : ClassVar[int]
var credential_hash : bytes
class SomeDatumHash (datum_hash: bytes)
Indicates that there is a datum associated with this output, which has the given hash.
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class SomeDatumHash(PlutusData): """ Indicates that there is a datum associated with this output, which has the given hash. """ CONSTR_ID = 1 datum_hash: DatumHash
- pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
- pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
- pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable
Class variables
var CONSTR_ID : ClassVar[int]
var datum_hash : bytes
class SomeOutputDatum (datum: Union[pycardano.plutus.PlutusData, dict, pycardano.serialization.IndefiniteList, int, bytes, pycardano.serialization.RawCBOR, pycardano.plutus.RawPlutusData])
Indicates that there is an datum associated with an output, which is inlined and equal to the attached datum
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class SomeOutputDatum(PlutusData): """ Indicates that there is an datum associated with an output, which is inlined and equal to the attached datum """ CONSTR_ID = 2 datum: Datum
- pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
- pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
- pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable
Class variables
var CONSTR_ID : ClassVar[int]
var datum : Union[pycardano.plutus.PlutusData, dict, pycardano.serialization.IndefiniteList, int, bytes, pycardano.serialization.RawCBOR, pycardano.plutus.RawPlutusData]
class SomeOutputDatumHash (datum_hash: bytes)
Indicates that there is an datum associated with an output, which has the attached hash
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class SomeOutputDatumHash(PlutusData): """ Indicates that there is an datum associated with an output, which has the attached hash """ CONSTR_ID = 1 datum_hash: DatumHash
- pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
- pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
- pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable
Class variables
var CONSTR_ID : ClassVar[int]
var datum_hash : bytes
class SomeScriptHash (script_hash: bytes)
Indicates that there is a script associated with this output, which has the given hash.
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class SomeScriptHash(PlutusData): """ Indicates that there is a script associated with this output, which has the given hash. """ CONSTR_ID = 0 script_hash: DatumHash
- pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
- pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
- pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable
Class variables
var CONSTR_ID : ClassVar[int]
var script_hash : bytes
class SomeStakingCredential (staking_credential: Union[StakingHash, StakingPtr])
Indicates that this address has staking credentials. Its funds can be delegated by the credentialed user.
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class SomeStakingCredential(PlutusData): """ Indicates that this address has staking credentials. Its funds can be delegated by the credentialed user. """ CONSTR_ID = 0 staking_credential: StakingCredential
- pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
- pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
- pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable
Class variables
var CONSTR_ID : ClassVar[int]
var staking_credential : Union[StakingHash, StakingPtr]
class Spending (tx_out_ref: TxOutRef)
Script purpose indicating that the given transaction output is being spent, which is owned by the invoked contract
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class Spending(PlutusData): """ Script purpose indicating that the given transaction output is being spent, which is owned by the invoked contract """ CONSTR_ID = 1 tx_out_ref: TxOutRef
- pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
- pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
- pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable
Class variables
var CONSTR_ID : ClassVar[int]
var tx_out_ref : TxOutRef
class StakingHash (value: Union[PubKeyCredential, ScriptCredential])
Indicates that the stake of this address is controlled by the associated credential
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class StakingHash(PlutusData): """ Indicates that the stake of this address is controlled by the associated credential """ CONSTR_ID = 0 value: Credential
- pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
- pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
- pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable
Class variables
var CONSTR_ID : ClassVar[int]
var value : Union[PubKeyCredential, ScriptCredential]
class StakingPtr (slot_no: int, tx_index: int, cert_index: int)
Indicates that the stake of this address is controlled by the associated pointer.
In an address, a chain pointer refers to a point of the chain containing a stake key registration certificate. A point is identified by the 3 coordinates in this object.
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class StakingPtr(PlutusData): """ Indicates that the stake of this address is controlled by the associated pointer. In an address, a chain pointer refers to a point of the chain containing a stake key registration certificate. A point is identified by the 3 coordinates in this object. """ CONSTR_ID = 1 # an absolute slot number slot_no: int # a transaction index (within that slot) tx_index: int # a (delegation) certificate index (within that transaction) cert_index: int
- pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
- pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
- pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable
Class variables
var CONSTR_ID : ClassVar[int]
var cert_index : int
var slot_no : int
var tx_index : int
class TrueData
A Datum that represents True in Haskell implementations. It is thus used as an encoding for True in the ScriptContext.
Example value: TrueData()
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class TrueData(PlutusData): """ A Datum that represents True in Haskell implementations. It is thus used as an encoding for True in the ScriptContext. Example value: TrueData() """ CONSTR_ID = 0
- pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
- pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
- pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable
Class variables
var CONSTR_ID : ClassVar[int]
class TxId (tx_id: bytes)
A transaction id, a 64 bytes long hash of the transaction body (also called transaction hash).
Example value: TxId(bytes.fromhex("842a4d37b036da6ab3c04331240e67d81746beb44f23ad79703e026705361956"))
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class TxId(PlutusData): """ A transaction id, a 64 bytes long hash of the transaction body (also called transaction hash). Example value: TxId(bytes.fromhex("842a4d37b036da6ab3c04331240e67d81746beb44f23ad79703e026705361956")) """ tx_id: bytes
- pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
- pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
- pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable
Class variables
var tx_id : bytes
class TxInInfo (out_ref: TxOutRef, resolved: TxOut)
The plutus representation of an transaction output, that is consumed by the transaction.
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class TxInInfo(PlutusData): """ The plutus representation of an transaction output, that is consumed by the transaction. """ out_ref: TxOutRef resolved: TxOut
- pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
- pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
- pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable
Class variables
var out_ref : TxOutRef
var resolved : TxOut
class TxInfo (inputs: List[TxInInfo], reference_inputs: List[TxInInfo], outputs: List[TxOut], fee: Dict[bytes, Dict[bytes, int]], mint: Dict[bytes, Dict[bytes, int]], dcert: List[Union[DCertDelegRegKey, DCertDelegDeRegKey, DCertDelegDelegate, DCertPoolRegister, DCertPoolRetire, DCertGenesis, DCertMir]], wdrl: Dict[Union[StakingHash, StakingPtr], int], valid_range: POSIXTimeRange, signatories: List[bytes], redeemers: Dict[Union[Minting, Spending, Rewarding, Certifying], Union[pycardano.plutus.PlutusData, dict, pycardano.serialization.IndefiniteList, int, bytes, pycardano.serialization.RawCBOR, pycardano.plutus.RawPlutusData]], data: Dict[bytes, Union[pycardano.plutus.PlutusData, dict, pycardano.serialization.IndefiniteList, int, bytes, pycardano.serialization.RawCBOR, pycardano.plutus.RawPlutusData]], id: TxId)
A complex agglomeration of everything that could be of interest to the executed script, regarding the transaction that invoked the script
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class TxInfo(PlutusData): """ A complex agglomeration of everything that could be of interest to the executed script, regarding the transaction that invoked the script """ inputs: List[TxInInfo] reference_inputs: List[TxInInfo] outputs: List[TxOut] fee: Value mint: Value dcert: List[DCert] wdrl: Dict[StakingCredential, int] valid_range: POSIXTimeRange signatories: List[PubKeyHash] redeemers: Dict[ScriptPurpose, Redeemer] data: Dict[DatumHash, Datum] id: TxId
- pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
- pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
- pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable
Class variables
var data : Dict[bytes, Union[pycardano.plutus.PlutusData, dict, pycardano.serialization.IndefiniteList, int, bytes, pycardano.serialization.RawCBOR, pycardano.plutus.RawPlutusData]]
var dcert : List[Union[DCertDelegRegKey, DCertDelegDeRegKey, DCertDelegDelegate, DCertPoolRegister, DCertPoolRetire, DCertGenesis, DCertMir]]
var fee : Dict[bytes, Dict[bytes, int]]
var id : TxId
var inputs : List[TxInInfo]
var mint : Dict[bytes, Dict[bytes, int]]
var outputs : List[TxOut]
var redeemers : Dict[Union[Minting, Spending, Rewarding, Certifying], Union[pycardano.plutus.PlutusData, dict, pycardano.serialization.IndefiniteList, int, bytes, pycardano.serialization.RawCBOR, pycardano.plutus.RawPlutusData]]
var reference_inputs : List[TxInInfo]
var signatories : List[bytes]
var valid_range : POSIXTimeRange
var wdrl : Dict[Union[StakingHash, StakingPtr], int]
class TxOut (address: Address, value: Dict[bytes, Dict[bytes, int]], datum: Union[NoOutputDatum, SomeOutputDatumHash, SomeOutputDatum], reference_script: Union[NoScriptHash, SomeScriptHash])
The plutus representation of an transaction output, consisting of - address: address owning this output - value: tokens associated with this output - datum: datum associated with this output - reference_script: reference script associated with this output
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class TxOut(PlutusData): """ The plutus representation of an transaction output, consisting of - address: address owning this output - value: tokens associated with this output - datum: datum associated with this output - reference_script: reference script associated with this output """ address: Address value: Value datum: OutputDatum reference_script: Union[NoScriptHash, SomeScriptHash]
- pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
- pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
- pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable
Class variables
var address : Address
var datum : Union[NoOutputDatum, SomeOutputDatumHash, SomeOutputDatum]
var reference_script : Union[NoScriptHash, SomeScriptHash]
var value : Dict[bytes, Dict[bytes, int]]
class TxOutRef (id: TxId, idx: int)
A reference to a transaction output (hash/id + index)
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class TxOutRef(PlutusData): """ A reference to a transaction output (hash/id + index) """ id: TxId idx: int
- pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
- pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
- pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable
Class variables
var id : TxId
var idx : int
class UpperBoundPOSIXTime (limit: Union[NegInfPOSIXTime, FinitePOSIXTime, PosInfPOSIXTime], closed: Union[TrueData, FalseData])
Upper bound for the execution of this transaction
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class UpperBoundPOSIXTime(PlutusData): """ Upper bound for the execution of this transaction """ CONSTR_ID = 0 limit: ExtendedPOSIXTime closed: BoolData
- pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
- pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
- pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable
Class variables
var CONSTR_ID : ClassVar[int]
var closed : Union[TrueData, FalseData]
var limit : Union[NegInfPOSIXTime, FinitePOSIXTime, PosInfPOSIXTime]